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Everything posted by BobbyP

  1. For best traffic nothing beats best content. Real people will visit your site if u give them what they want ...then use Ubot to spam some 2 or 3K user onFB yesterday i made a post for a friend of mine on his FB and got 300 new friends in few hours. All comes down to the CONTENT sent to the People who want it. Do not try to engage Manchester City fans to a Manchester United post. Hope u get the point.TARGETING is the key.
  2. put that first on your bots and keep track of useragent changes here http://www.whatsmyua.com/ on load("Bot Loaded") { define navi { clear cookies set user agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.84 Safari/537.36") navigate("https://www.google.com/","Wait") } } navi()
  3. no mate i compile as always.can't replicate error
  4. No such option stanf, only stated above: remove branding, hide run bar hide browser , hide navigation bar (browser nav bar). Thanks
  5. Nope, Options are remove branding,hide run bar ,hide browser , hide navigation bar (browser nav bar).
  6. Hi all, after compiling exe when i start the bot it shows the navigation bar (File,Edit,Help). How can i get rid of it? Ubot all vers til 5.5.11(dev). Anyone with the same issue? Thanks in advance.
  7. I think you should avoid element offsets as possible. Saludos.
  8. It is not Ubot issue it is the cloudflare protection i think. Not sure why we need to call for it but i don't use it anyway, there are better solutions for GUI out there. Just wanted to warn others. Probably restart Ubot will bring it back. I tried to reset and clear cookies but nothing, so restart my help.
  9. As the title says if you build bots with proxy and then start the UI Editor that's what happens. CloudFlare prompts you to enter a captcha. Problem is, you can't see the captcha image. Lucky me i got SSUB. But this should be changed probably it's a core featuture. No need to call mami.
  10. Use the image selector for the password field and it will work or: type text(<class="text-input flex-table-input">,12234,"Standard")
  11. Hi Dan i would like to thank you for this free and amazing plugin. So... Thank You!
  12. Why don´t You offer both lifetime and yearly Dan? I was happy with subs.
  13. I am a ubot user for a while so i know what to or not to expect from support . In the version log there is NO 5.5.11 version. 5.5.10 and 5.5.12. But in my dashboard there is a 5.5.11 version that i am allowed to download and once installed it screwed up all my 5er's. So don't come to me with work in progress shit as u pay for reliable soft and not some Open Source project. I just want to know why i can't get any dialogs pop up such as Save as, Save file location or simply select compiled file folder. BTW hi Jason ! How are u ?
  14. No doubt Dan, and thanks for taking the time to answer. I will upgrade to latest for sure, but since I bought Ubot i have never seen a stable ver. But one expects to be able to do some work with 1000 usd soft. Where are oficial Ubot PPL when one is experience issues like i face? It might be on my end or Ubot who knows, but it is for sure not a problem that members of the community should solve(my humble opinion).
  15. BTW Dan strange things happens with ubot as i was eager to purchase exbrowser, but I can´t get 5+ to work . Shade eigentlich.
  16. Sure license is legit just not subscribed to updates.I saw same troubles with latest version in bugtracker.
  17. Sorry don't have it. I can only update to 5.5.11
  18. SOLVED I updated win 7 service pack 1 and seems to work fine now. Seems older service pack 1 was the culprit . Hi, i have some heavy troubles with Ubot 5.5.6 and 5.5.9 not opening files, not saving files and in compile bot can't select output folder-no popups showing at all. 5.5.11 hangs on licensing screen but not the other two I mentioned. Any help is welcome. Thanks in Advance! P.S Ad list from file also not opening file system to chose from.
  19. You have competition on any other Marketplace but the social aspect will give u a genuine proof of your product and a superior buying experience. Also there is a better relation between the seller and the buyer.
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