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Everything posted by JohannesT

  1. Thank you for the reply, the_way. Could I ask what was your ticket specifically about? The funny thing is that it's just even when navigating within the browser so the allow popup and user agents aren't run and are at default which should enable it to load these popups. I guess got to try the new version in that case then.
  2. So the deal is that https://members.myactivesg.com has an pop-up when checking out where I can choose if to got to cart or to continue. The thing is that in UBot browser this isn't displayed and the web site takes straight to the check out. I'm talking right now about just navigating with the UBot built-in browser and not running a bot. Went to http://www.popuptest.com/popuptest3.html and the pop-ups display normally there. More exactly when choosing time slots in booking, for example here: https://members.myactivesg.com/facilities/view/activity/207/venue/175?time_from=1439308800 I.e. ch
  3. VentureOnline, Had the same question as mrwalt - Would you be willing to sell the Ubot code that you made to work with 2Captcha or the DBC to solve the Google reCAPTCHA's or provide it to the UBot Community? Cheers
  4. Hey! So I have this output from scrape - From:Lisa Misseri (LisaMi@timothybuu.e4ward.com)To: Note: Pura d'or Hair Loss Prevention Premium Organic Shampoo, Brown and Blue, 16 Fluid Ounce (1,718)$37.00 $20.99Send me a copy of this e-mail Your sharing settings And I'd need it to pick line 2 (Lisa Misseri (LisaMi@timothybuu.e4ward.com)) and line 9 (Pura d'or Hair Loss Prevention Premium Organic Shampoo, Brown and Blue, 16 Fluid Ounce). It would be easy if the output would be always the same but they are dynamic so anyway to pick them by the line number? Thanks!
  5. Thanks mate, that worked wonderfully!
  6. 1 & 2 are correct. How do you know which one you have to change? Do you know the position or do you have to search for it? - There are pretty much only 2 things that the user inserts - T & T and Vitals International . If the list item is T & T then it should change to certain URL and if the list item is Vitals International then it should change to another certain URL. Pretty much the user could also write the URL's to the input box, but that's not really nice. Will there be only 1 match or multiple matches? - As I described before there will be only 1 match. Hope that cla
  7. I don't really get it - could You please elaborate? arunner26 - thanks, that's a great way. But unfortunately the list comes from a user input so it's kinda hard to predict what list item needs to be what.
  8. Hey! So basically I have a list and I'd like to set them new values but when I tried with "set" then it doesn't allow me to put $list item into it. Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. Yeah, that's pretty much how it got solved also. Didn't saw the what are you upto to question before, but I'm making a bot that would automatically buy stuff from Amazon. I'd gladly add You to my friends list, but can't seem to find a button to do so.
  10. Thanks for all the help! Pash did a wonderful job and helped me out!
  11. Hey! So I am having a little bit hard time with my bot right now. Pretty much I'd need the bot to take an username from an variable and buy an item from that user in Amazon. E.g. I have this product - http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001OVQSJG/ref=olp_page_1 and let's say I'd need to pick speeddm_99 as seller and click on the Buy with 1-click. The thing is that all of the 1-click buy buttons have the same code so that doesn't really help. They do have offsets so I could use them, but how could I find what offsets corresponds to what username? Here is where I would need Your help
  12. Pretty much everything You should know about how to delete cookies, history, flash cookies etc - http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4183-how-to-delete-browser-cookies-when-the-ubot-clear-cookies-sub-does-not-work/
  13. Oh, You are a life saver, thousand thanks to You HelloInsomnia! But I would have a page like such https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001OVQSJG or https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B006VPLS04 . And from both sites I'd need to pick a seller from a list and buy the item from that certain seller with the 1-click buy.
  14. Hey! Thanks for the thorough answer but pretty much I only need to watch is the usernames and if the username matches then buy the product from him with 1-click buy. E.g. let's say I need to pick Yasmin Beauty Supply and Buy with 1-click. But I just can't seem to find an attribute associated with the 1-click buy as somehow they are all the same. Only thing that seems to change is the Offset(runs from 0-9 as there are 10 sellers each page). But then when using offset how I am going to find what number is a seller in the page? Thanks!
  15. Hey! I have a loop and an if statement in that loop. Now when the if statement returns true is there any possible way to go to back to the start of the loop? Thanks!
  16. Hey! I'm having a little bit hard time figuring out how to pick the right buyer from a list of buyers and then buying a product from them. It's based on Amazon. A picture - http://www.upload.ee/thumb/4206561/Untitled.png E.g. let's say I need to pick Yasmin Beauty Supply and Buy with 1-click. Anybody has any good ideas? Thanks!
  17. Thousand thanks mate! That did the job.
  18. Hey! I have password UI block list where some of the passwords are the same, but some why it only lists the one that are different. http://www.upload.ee/thumb/4204939/W72.png Any thoughts on that? I am quite a beginner also yet, so it might be a quite easy one.
  19. Hey! I was wondering if is it possible to use my own browser in UBot? I know about the ability to change useragent but that doesn't do the job. Thanks and take care, Johannes
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