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Everything posted by mobileconsultant

  1. Hi Aymen, I just purchased, please see my skype add request, so I can get the plugin download. Thanks, Rich
  2. I just purchased! Will this script help me scrape user's emails through the API connection and help me then send them request messages to join a group so I can email them from LinkedIn messaging? -Rich
  3. @UbotBuddy If I join can I open, explore, compile and use the .ubot source code files with Standard Edition 4&5 or is your training and the source code files mainly for pro or dev version? -Rich
  4. Hey VentureOnline, Is this still available for $75? If so, I'm buying now! -Rich
  5. Thanks Dan, I have a ticket in now. I'll be happy to develop on the more stable version 4 (based on forum reading) so I can get this scripts into production immediately. I'm mainly interested in using sockets and the multi-threading features. -Rich
  6. I'm new to Ubot but not automation scripting languages, been using and developed various automation languages since the 90's. I've purchased and was directed to download Ubot v5. I've created some pretty simple scripts that in almost any language would run stable but it keeps crashing after an hour or so of running. My question is... where can a paid member/user of Ubot Studio download the older versions (v4 specifically) to use with all the available scripts in the community and marketplace and also develop in a stabe environment? I not one that likes to waste time during rapid develop (tim
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