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Aaron Nimocks

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Everything posted by Aaron Nimocks

  1. You need to scrape the confirmation link. Then... replace & with & Then navigate to it
  2. Yahoo mobile doesnt open in a new window so you dont need to scrape the URL. Just pick some of the URL that is unique and Select Attribute then Click It.
  3. I feel stupid because I never even saw that command there and I needed one like that a few times. Thanks
  4. Loop how many items you want. Get random item, save to new list. Get random item, save to new list. Get random item, save to new list. Get random item, save to new list. Get random item, save to new list. Get random item, save to new list. Use new list with random items.
  5. If my memory serves me correctly there is a function to get a random list item. That is what you would use to get this done.
  6. Setting these up is really pretty easy. I was just playing around with one and made it in a few minutes. The key is just to get your list of directories and seperate them depending on what software they use to run the site. For instance I think the most popular one is article dashboard. So if you have 200 article dashboard sites then they all use the same code for submitting an article. Really easy. The only tricky part is when you will have to choose categories. Do you want to do it automatically or manually?>
  7. I whipped this facebook friend adder together yesterday and made a post on my site. Feel free to do anything you want with it. Modify it, give it away, sell it, or whatever.
  8. Might of meant the While command.
  9. Im 90% sure I always us if variable = $nothing and it works for me.
  10. Yes you can do it manually or use a service like decaptcha which will do it automatically. You can see it in action here.
  11. Also here you go. Blog Creation Email Verification I havent done email account creation, but you can.
  12. Can you attach the bot? Would be easier for us to fix it.
  13. In the first picture I would set the variable first. Then Navigate to the variable and not next list item. Think that is what you are trying to get at.
  14. What I do when I need this done is save the Next List Item in a variable and use the variable when I a using the data. That way you can use it more than one time. If you position the set variable to next list item in the right spot in your script this will work fine.
  15. If you are looking at making accounts and needing to click activation links then this tutorial is for you. Enjoy
  16. Your right. If you are only using 1 URL then just make it a variable instead of a list also.
  17. Most likely what you scraped doesnt contain data. Try saving the list to a txt file to see if any data is in it. Im guessing there is nothing. That means you need to change how you scraped.
  18. Thanks. I fixed the issue over a month ago.
  19. You cant do that. But you can do... To accomplish this you would use mutiple IF statements and IF NOT statements.
  20. Did you check out my tutorial on this? I cover that towards the end on how I do it.
  21. No GUI customization. Heard it talked about before so might be on the list to do.
  22. My GMail tutorial for this is done. I am going to do the Yahoo one tonight.
  23. Click and drag from the top left of the blue nav bar to the empty blue bar.
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