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Everything posted by gabel

  1. had the same problem with kaspersky and it messed my computer quite a bit , at a point i wasn't even able to open ubot studio as browser.exe was getting flagged. i`ve added browser.exe to the trusted group and seem everything is ok now
  2. it can be done , check http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11992-free-youtube-video-downloader/
  3. one quick way would be like this loop(#loopnumber) { clear list(%urllist) add list to list(%urllist, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a href=\"*\" target=\"\" title=\"*\" class=\"title\">*</a>">, "href"), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%urllist, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<class="r">, "innerhtml"), "(?<=<a\\ href=\").*(?=\"\\ class=\"l\")"), "Delete", "Global") wait(1) loop($list total(%urllist)) { if($comparison($list total(%urllist), "=", 1)) { then { set(#navigatenow, 0, "Global")
  4. try and use change attribute command and leave the new attribute value field empty, that should erase the date in the field
  5. something like this ? ui window("Set Useragent") { ui drop down("UserAgents", "Internet Explorer 6,Chrome,Safari,iPhone,Android", #useragent) } set user agent(#useragent) navigate("http://whatsmyuseragent.com/", "Wait")
  6. here's what i could come up quickly , it scrapes the product name and the aff link for that product clear list(%productname) clear list(%getlink) clear list(%promotelink) ui text box("Clickbank ID", #clickbankid) navigate("http://www.clickbank.com/mkplSearchResult.htm?dores=true&includeKeywords=fitness", "Wait") add list to list(%productname, $scrape attribute(<class="result">, "innerhtml"), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%productname, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<class="result">, "innerhtml"), "(?<=\\.hop\\.clickbank\\.net\"\\ target=\"_blank\">).
  7. the point of the forum is to get gelp when you`re stuck coding , support is the only one that can help you when it comes to licenses or anything that has to do with ubot owners directly .
  8. yeah he`s talking about site based limitations , ex max 10 characters passwords etc
  9. never had a problem getting blank values when using it like this set(#username, $substring($random text(15), 0, 14), "Global")
  10. did a quick test and i came up with this add list to list(%position, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<h3 class=\"r\">*onmousedown=\"return rwt*">, "innerhtml"), "(?<=onmousedown=\"return\\ rwt\\(this,\'\',\'\',\'\',\').*?(?=\',\')"), "Delete", "Global")
  11. the first one i`ve did is with HttpWebRequest and v2 is with socket
  12. i have some basic knowledge but with the help of a friend i`ve almost finished my licensing system which is greeeat . other then that did some other plugins for myself like a fast proxy checker and a few things that speed things around . i`m so thrilled by what you can now do with ubot , barely have time for anything else
  13. here you go ui text box("Loop", #loopnumber) ui text box("Delay", #waittime) loop(#loopnumber) { navigate("http://www.google.com", "Wait") wait(#waittime) }
  14. sales will be resumed shortly , almost done with my licensing system
  15. you could put the files in an installer and when that's ran it will automatically add those so the end user won't have to download anything
  16. send me a PM with it if you want and i`ll have a look for you , otherwise find something similar
  17. can you post a link to the dropdown ? Usually dropdowns allow only one selection but there are some where multiple selections are possible
  18. well i know for a fact that there are some programs that can "read" the connection so it`s possible to find out the user and pass for the database
  19. hey mate , thanks . yeah i like how this turned up too :-)
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sud6fBppWZc Did this some time ago and thought to share it with everyone else as i saw some had problems to download videos from youtube :-) . You can download videos as MP3 , MP4 or FLV's . There are some problems when converting some protected videos to MP3 , will look into that when i get some time. Let me klnow what you all think Download http://www.botswiz.com/download/Youtube+Downloader+Setup Enjoy
  21. i think that some ip`s from HMA are banned with the auth server , happened that to me when i had proxies sometime . traveled a lot and never had any problem opening ubot
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