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Everything posted by Gogetta

  1. The API is the easiest way to scrape the data of a video. Replace the [VIDEO_ID] with a video id. http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/[VIDEO_ID]?v=2&alt=jsonc&callback=youtubeFeedCallback1&prettyprint=trueTo scrape the data you can use this regex code. (?<="likeCount": ").*?(?=") More info on this regex snippet can be found here. The comments can also be scraped using this url. https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/[VIDEO_ID]/comments?max-results=50&start-index=1 Increase the value of the start index by 50 on each loop to scrape the next page of comments.
  2. Your code worked when I tested it. Are you sure your not using transparent proxies?
  3. I have a code for both the browser as well as the http post plugin. Video: https://www.screenr.com/KhLN PM me.
  4. add list to list(%get_links, $scrape attribute(<href=w"*/c/*">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global") You can select the element by using part of the url (*/c/*) and wild carding it.
  5. Hey Pete, after watching your video I tried fooling around with the datagrid styler. What I found out is that if you leave the column field blank the header text colors don't work. What I added to the column field and it seemed to work was this. 300|300|auto Maybe Aymen can add a default value to this field... Anyway, just wanted to let you know.
  6. Aymen, If you check a few post back you will see that I made a small video of a bug i spotted within 24 hours of purchasing this plugin. Can you let me know if I am doing something wrong, or maybe provide an example where the "data grid color" doesn't change to random rows when scrolling through the grid?
  7. Is this happening from within a define command? I noticed sometimes when I delete a few commands from within a define those commands will still run. What I do is right click over the define and select edit, from there I then click the ok button and this somehow refreshes that define so that those deleted commands no longer run. I'm not sure if this is the problem you are having or not...
  8. Title: alert($plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$xpath parser", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"css/feed.xsl\"?> <channel> <title>Sample title 1</title> <description>sample desc 1</description> <item> <title>sample title 2</title> <description>sample desc 2</description> </item> </channel>", "//title", "InnerText", "XML")) Description: alert($plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$xpath parser", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <?xml-styl
  9. Aymen, there is a bug or a problem with the "data grid color" command. If you check my video you will see random rows become highlighted when the user scrolls through the grid.
  10. TJ made a free SSH plugin. Might want to give that a try. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16913-free-ssh-plugin/
  11. Thanks Dan. I searched but didn't see that post.
  12. Any plans on adding proxy support for socks?
  13. There is a bug when downloading emails using the pop commands. It seems that the email body is coming back blank sometimes. I made a small video showing UBot's default commands are able to download the email body and also when I tried using the plugin. I am running Ubot v.4 and Email Plugin V. on a Windows 8 laptop. http://www.screencast.com/t/Vxean1nH Thanks!
  14. Yep, it shouldn't be a problem at all. I created this bot for a client over a month ago and the last time I spoke to him he was pretty high up. I don't want to say which spot he was in so all i will say is he was between 40 and 60 using this bot. But yes, I am sure you can go beyond that after the test I ran on it. Just be smart about the way you use this bot when pushing that high up the charts. You would want to set some good delays so that it appears as if the songs are actually being played.
  15. >>> SoundClick Views Blaster <<< "Easily Dominate and Own The SoundClick Charts. Tested and Proved to Get the Top Rankings..." http://i.imgur.com/enokpFG.png NEW! Scheduler Added in Version 1.1 SoundClick Views Blaster can now be set to run daily, weekly, or monthly. Not that you would want to wait any more than a day to have your song plays being inflated. However, the options are there to take full advantage of. Just set the bot up to run on schedule and the views will keep you climbing the charts. Software Features: http://i.imgur.com/MX5x0yw.png Boost Views
  16. I am not sure if I understand your question. Are you using $next list item or $list item to call the items in your list? Or maybe post that segment of your code so i can take a look at it.
  17. I reported the same problem to support. It was because the FTP commands were not working on Windows 8. As a workaround I had to use this website to install wordpress on multiple domains. Maybe it will help. http://installatron.com/wordpress#cmd=install&installer=wordpress
  18. The list position has to be a numerical value. If you have 300 items in your list then the list position would be anywhere from 0 to 299. With the first item in your list being 0. More info here.
  19. You can try these commands. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Save_Browser_Image http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Save_Element_Image
  20. add list to list(%purls, $scrape attribute(<href=w"*?ref=br_rs&fref=browse_search">, "href"), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%purls_cleaned) loop($list total(%purls)) { add item to list(%purls_cleaned, $replace($next list item(%purls), "?ref=br_rs&fref=browse_search", $nothing), "Delete", "Global") } The urls will then be stored in %purls_cleaned.
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