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Everything posted by ikebukuro

  1. $shuffle list function seems to not work with local lists. Here is an example: Shuffle List Test() define Shuffle List Test { comment("LOCAL LIST") clear list(%local list) add list to list(%local list, $list from text("1,2,3", ","), "Delete", "Local") clear list(%local list shuffled) add list to list(%local list shuffled, $plugin function("File Management.dll", "$shuffle list", %local list), "Delete", "Local") alert("local list total: {$list total(%local list)} local list shuffled total: {$list total(%local list shuffled)}") comment("GLOBAL LIST") clear list(
  2. I've had my eye on this one for awhile. Finally just picked it up and it is looking incredible. Really nice work man. Love the choice of music in your videos as well.
  3. ^ I was going to ask if you could add something like this, but didn't want to be too pushy. Very nice to see this feature!
  4. Hi bonedog, thanks for your advice. I figured there's got to be much more to it than simply logging in and voting. As for my case, it ended up the accounts I was testing with (including accounts I hadn't used yet) all got blocked by Google yesterday. I didn't do anything with them yet besides make a few comment votes, so I'm thinking the proxies may have just been bad from the get-go. I'm going to contact the provider about that and try with some new ones. However, there's a load of other factors which I think could come into play as well. If accounts just log in, go straight to a video and
  5. I just did another test to be sure that users are not actually downvoting these comments. I made 9 upvotes to a comment from separate accounts/ip addresses with private proxies, and set a delay of 60 to 300 seconds between votes using 1 thread. After finishing, I indeed saw 9 upvotes on the comment. But even though it had more votes than any others on this low traffic vid, it didn't appear in the top comments. Video view count after upvoting finished was 1,758 views. 2+ hours later I check and my 9 thumbs up have vanished. Video view count at this time was 1,759 views. That +1 view was me. T
  6. I doubt this. Please see again in my previous post: The reason I purposely chose old dead videos which aren't getting new comments/traffic, is to test if I'm being downvoted by real people, or if in fact something else is going on with YouTube's comment ranking. Is it likely that 10 random users suddenly showed up on some old dead video which hasn't been commented on in years, and each downvoted the same on-topic comment in 2 hours? Or that another marketer suddenly decided they want the top comment on this dead video with no traffic or keyword value...and voted it down? Even if one o
  7. I picked this up a few days ago, and am having a hard time getting comments to the top, or even for comment votes to stick around for more than a few hours. The bot is indeed doing it's job of logging in and upvoting the comments, but even when the comment has more votes than the other top comments, it doesn't move to the top for some reason. Then a few hours later, I'll check and most (sometimes all) of my upvotes on that comment are gone. I know it's not someone downvoting me, as I've tested this on other random comments at old dead videos with no visitors. It seems there is something in t
  8. I'm happy to hear that! Thanks again for the great plugin.
  9. Didn't find anything on the forum about this yet, so hopefully this will be useful to anyone searching how to do it in the future. Was using javascript to generate random dates before, but like this way better as it doesn't need a webpage. You will need the free datetime manipulation plugin created by UBotDev.com: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13665-free-plugin-datetime-manipulation/ Thanks should go to UBotDev.com for creating and giving out this very handy plugin for free. Example code below: define $Random DateTime(#date start, #date end) { set(#date start u
  10. Great to hear this! Also thanks again for your quick replies in this thread. Really great to see a developer who is passionate about his product, and I'm loving your stuff so far! I will wait on the multi-threading fix, and looking forward to the other goodies which you speak of.
  11. Yeah, the problem is that I need to keep cookies when creating accounts for the site I'm working on. It has a 1st form where you set username, password, etc., and submitting that form sets a cookie. At the second form you verify the account info, solve the captcha, and then that cookie is checked for when submitting the 2nd form. If the 1st submitted form's cookie is missing or different when POSTing the 2nd form, it creates an error. So I think cookie containers will be necessary in order for something like this to work with multi-threading, am I right? Also, the second part of the bot I'm
  12. Unfortunately, while setting http encoding in the container works to get rid of that error, it also causes my POST requests to fail. When I remove the http container / http encoding, the POST requests work fine again. So I guess the encoding solution is messing with the POST data being sent, and probably I shouldn't be using encoding for these requests. Aymen, do you think it will be awhile before you are able to fix the http container command? Just wondering as I am building a bot for someone, and would be nice to have an idea about it as far as multi-threading possibility.
  13. Thank you kev123, this worked! http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/bravo.gif
  14. Hi Aymen, thanks for your super fast reply. I removed the "new cookies containers" command, but am still getting the same error. Here is the code I am currently working with: thread { plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "http container") { set(#html, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "http://ubotstudio.com/playground/simple-form", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0", "http://ubotstudio.com/playground", "", ""), "Global") set(#title, $find regular expression(#html, "(?<=<title>).*?(?=</title>)"), "Local")
  15. Not sure if you're still looking for an answer on this, but most likely these are the x & y coordinates of the click you made on an image to submit the form. Try submitting the form by using the Enter button on your keyboard instead, and you should see x=0&y=0 being sent. If that's the case, then no need to worry about values to scrape for these. Just set them to 0 all the time.
  16. Just purchased this awesome plugin, and loving it so far. One thing which I cannot get to work however is setting up new cookies containers and setting a get request inside a thread > http container. I've tried copying how I see it done in this video: http://screencast.com/t/c683SzQpf9Ve But keep getting this error: Here is my code (error occurs whether variables are Local or Global): plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "new cookies containers", 3) thread { plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "http container") { set(#html, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "htt
  17. ^ This x 10,000. It's a shame there's nothing like this built in already. Checking if an email server has connected is just one case out of many where I could see lack of error handling being a problem. As mentioned, creating a table from emails will give the same result for a live account with an empty inbox as it will for a dead account. Would be nice if they would add some form of error handling to commands which have timeouts. Something like ability set a variable in the event that one occurs.
  18. I've been playing with UBot for the last couple of weeks, and so far am very impressed with what can be done with it. But one thing which I am struggling with so far is error handling. In my previous automation program, most actions have exception handling built into them (failed to connect, file not found, etc.) which you can check for and have the bot act accordingly. I haven't been able to find something like this in UBot yet, so am wondering how you guys are dealing with error checking. For example, how would you check if you've failed to connect to a mail server? When connecting to the
  19. Thank you for your replies everyone. The biggest thing for me is ability to work with Asian characters, but as UBotDev.com mentioned being able to scrape Chinese successfully then I'm thinking it may be ok. I guess the best way to know for sure is to just make the purchase, and test it for those 30 days in every way possible to see if it has any issues with Asian text. As for the browser property command, there do seem to be people saying it works while others say it doesn't. In addition to the thread UBotDev posted above, I also came across this one started by The450Man in April where it's m
  20. Hi guys, I've been using a different automation software for several years now, but due to lack of support for proxies, referrers, and other things I am constantly needing these days, I've been looking into an alternative. I spent the better part of last night watching various YouTube videos created by users, and reading threads in this forum...and must say that I am very impressed with what I've seen that ubot can do so far. For example, built-in email verification...something which is a major pain in the butt to do in my other software (due to lack of POP3 support which Hotmail uses)...is on
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