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Everything posted by UBOTEM

  1. OMG! Why have I not been using this? How many sites block standard Ubot (Chrome) browser!!!! - May do a full test with few hundred thousand test and post here! My website scraper was using ubot browser and not actually getting any data... just made some test code to test individual websites and first example I used that had no result from ubot worked fine in PhantomJS.... Will there be any issues on client machines using the PhantomJS browser? Also I will install the PhantomJS.exe before my software is launched... and my clients need Admin rights to use my software anyway... But are ther
  2. Yeah no worries will PM you tomorrow morning Yeah no worries will PM you tomorrow morning
  3. OK just purchased Still gutted I did not buy communications plugin, I almost did, but did not need at the time :/ Seems everyone else has this exbrowser already... will play over weekend Will swap some code with my website scraper and see if gets me better results just from switching the browser commands! Love the fact you have managed to autoupdate and activate plugins, this is a great feature for other plugin developers Kudos to you 3 for keeping this project alive! Will have to learn how to build ubot plugins one day!
  4. Gutted I did not get the communications plugin, any idea when other functions from that will be released? Or can I buy old PRO plugin version? Also before I get the exBrowser Plugin, can I confirm works on both UB5 and UB4?
  5. I have to sleep now, but who do you host with?! I have experience mainly with Godaddy setups, but others here may have experience with your host. Will be back online tomorrow, if still stuck will see if I can help then And will see if can dig out the modifications I made to the emails being sent out, there was two edits, one for manual clicking the email license and one for when if automatically sends the email. I may have already posted edits earlier in this forum thread somewhere
  6. Not bought exBrowser plugin yet, will do soon (I should have bought the original communication plugin too) Anyway there was two error msg that I can remember, one was a redirection in browser to a message about browser crashes, and other was a system popup quoting the ubot support email. Think was more than singular, had many complaints about app not working, and diagnosed with one customer on Win7, as soon as realised, moved code to UB4, recompiled and instantly updated everyone (I didn't mess about, not when my customers are involved)
  7. I have a few setups similar on shared host. I modified the code for the address used to send email to match my domain email and then my emails were sent Hope it may help I now have wp site on one host and license server still on the shared host and my setup still working fine. Emails fire from both OK Both use different sub domains and configured DNS to use both host servers.
  8. I have DEV license and found with stealth the thread spawn was pointless as no dedicated thread id. Thread ID is very important with fast bots, and in my testing code I could make stealth trip up with variables. (Don't want to go into to much and hijack this thread). Build testing code in UB5. Same testing code works perfectly on UB4. Tested all methods of multithreadding original coded, smart threads and new thread spawn. Not any method was thread safe in stealth. Also know that some error msgs in stealth have ubot details in them, and I do not like customers knowing my tools are ubot. And on
  9. Honestly depends on your level of botting! I can not use stealth commercially ;( (Various reasons, stability and OS compatibility being the main reasons) But the http plugin has more features, even some that I do not use myself yet! Combine this with multi threading and you have super fast and stable bots! I love Aymens plugins and have most of them, one or two left to get, but I buy plugins as I need them. Almost every tool I have made uses at least one of his plugins Kudos to Aymen!!!
  10. Nice to see active on this thread My thoughts on your two points... 1. I think this is already done with SmartThreads, and works without fail on UB4. Just needs to be implemented in core of UB5 I see the spawn thread was supposed to do this but it is a failure as no way to have a thread ID, and nothing seems to solve this in my testing... 2. This seems interesting, and I always get a little stuck looking at my code a year later, if there was better structure to code this could be cool. But I think most of the core issues are fixed and working in UB4 thanks to others making cool plug
  11. Almost the same code on ubot 4 works perfectly without errors! ui drop down("Spawn Total", "1,10,100,1000,5000,10000,50000,100000,200000", #spawn_total) ui drop down("Spawn Max", "1,10,20,30,40,50,100,150,200,300,400,500", #spawn_max) ui stat monitor("Table Rows", #stats_tableRows) ui stat monitor("Checked (bad/good)", "{#var_loopCheckCells} ({#stats_bad}/{#stats_good})") ui button("Save") { SAVE_NORM_TABLE_TO_FILE() stop script } clear table(&DATA) set(#stats_tableRows, $table total rows(&DATA), "Global") if($comparison(#spawn_max, "=", 1)) { then { alert("Looping
  12. Hello to all I am getting a little frustrated, and wondered if someone can confirm is working or not?! Ubot 4 and normal multithread is fine and working for me. Ubot 4 and Smart Threading is also working fine. Now I want to move to Ubot 5, mainly due to the fact it is faster to work with.... Up until now I have been writing bots in Ubot 5, and moving code to ubot 4 after written most code... So with the new Spawn Thread thought would do some testing... And testing not too good There is no designated thread ID, meaning can not control the threads properly Setting thread ID within t
  13. Im confused with latest thread spawn.... Example on wiki seems not to answer how I wish to use it. OK UB5 seems better, and like some of the new features so kudos to the Ubot Team! But with spawning I would want to know what spawn number/id each thread is, and would like to pull data from table via thread id. In the example you use a global #row set before the spawn to 0, and increment at end of thread.... But if I was spawning 10 threads at once they would all be 0 at beginning of thread?! Forgive me if am getting the new threading wrong... Can anyone explain?!
  14. +1 to this getting sorted.... Commercially I use UB4 to compile, but would love to use UB5 as seems to be stable for most things now.... But as a DEV I expect no reference to ubot. As I am aware currently these issues in UB5 1. Ubot Support Error Message. 2. Browser Crash Page is a ubot branded page and hosted on ubot website. 3. App Data folder (issue in UB4 also). 4. exe version numbers (issue in UB4 also). Issue #4 can be solved after exe is compiled, but should be an option for this in ubot. Issues #1 & #2 are BIG ISSUES and need to be fixed... Also may be issues with insta
  15. Anyone else having issues logging into their Ubot Locker server? I am getting the following error when trying to login! Any ideas?!
  16. http://ubotstudio.com/blog/oh-no-the-browser-crashed/ That's the link displayed in browsers that crash in UB5! Even in dev edition.... Naughty! This URL needs to be editable for DEVs. But will compile in UB4 anyway... But this issue needs addressing please Seth
  17. Umm... Interesting thread.... Have been botting since v3 Was looking to see if I should use UB5 or UB4 to rebuild one of my flagship products. Was hoping stealth was out so I can have a play. Browser crashing as far as I'm concerned is solved in UB4 with plugins and good coding... And have made some stable robust programs that I sell commercially. Was hoping to see if UB5 has solved large data problems (fixed in UB4 with plugin). And wanted to know the stability.... But am now thinking to stick with UB4! Seems crazy! UB5 is so much more responsive and quicker to code.... Bu
  18. Modify the php file so you have it as an option. I have set mine so can have up to 100k activations on my free products.
  19. Yes this is the issue with that idea Only other option is to trigger more than one license to be created. I have already modified my IPN receiver to pick up the sale and create a key, but need to trigger two or more keys at same point. Will look at code later to see if can figure out, if find solution will post here This would also be good if can create a key for all products on a VIP package, currently I have to manually do this (well click a button in my software lol). But more convenient if automatic!
  20. I have multiple servers running, and software stores... They all require IPN to work well together... You will have to push IPN to all of your licensing servers, and stores if controlling downloads... This may help you... http://www.ubotem.com/product/ipn-redirect-wordpress-plugin-by-wicked-cool-plugins/ Feel free to give me a shout if get stuck
  21. I have not tried this yet... But wondering if anyone has? I want to offer multiple products under one license, one activation. For example if I have a suit of products can they be locked with same details and use the same license.lic file? I want to offer the extra products to existing users without having to create another key for them, or them having to activate the second product. Then I could push the new tool via normal update Hope makes sense
  22. Hello all, I have my own store since 2013 and sell my products well (with no real advertising), and things are great Have recently had a few products on other major marketplaces such as CodeCanyon, WAR, and a few others Found listing in other places creates awareness for my main store and gets more products out their! BUT... Sometimes these marketplaces change their policies and practices and unfortunately most of my best selling products are not allowed any-more on some of these marketplaces (mainly due to my products being kick-ass scrapers!) Not too much of a bother, as just p
  23. Solved myself Thought was going mad.... So checked threads in use, and realised that I used a normal thread on startup. Removed this and smartthreads is now doing its job!
  24. Ahh help, having issues where only 1 set of threads firing out?! Loops @ 6 Threads @ 4 plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control normal", "main_prog", #thread_loops, #input_maxThreads, "No") 4 threads fire up! Also placed an alert at the end of the command 'main_prog' so can see they hit that, but next two do not run, and my bot hangs Using 1.3 I think Any help v much appreciated
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