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About razer

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    Not Telling

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  • OS
    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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    Developer Edition

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  1. Thanks for the feedback guys, I have also taken a watch of your video's HelloInsomnia I will rewatch soon. It does feel like it is worth it as I do have a lot of idea's I could implement into my marketing strategies. Remove some VA's and increase my income. I have been doing marketing for over 10 years and have the time to learn some programming. I am curious are we able to make any type of program with Ubot, not just focused around online and automation. I am wanting to create my own organizing program. Would love to hear from you all again.
  2. Hey all, So I have been a long time lurker of Ubot, just got it on sale for the Dev version. Now I am not a programmer at all I understand the principles but that is about it. I have a question related to programmers and non programmers like myself. I got this software so I can create simple bots for creating accounts, creating pages, adding content, creating posts etc. While looking through the forums it seems like you still need to know programming to do much with Ubot. Is this the case? If it is I might as well just go learn Python and build it all myself right? What about the updat
  3. Is this still the case? If so I might just look else where then Ubot....
  4. Yeah I believe it would of been the proxies. Using public or shared proxies is a no no, I recommend using private proxies all the way and have IP's connected to certain accounts.
  5. razer

    Account creator

    I have revamped it now, but I am wondering how could I copy one data from another with "Account Data" I want ubot to create me my random password but I have to place that same password in " password confirmation" section in the sign up page. So basically it has to save that random password and then place it into a new section.
  6. Im also looking for more tutorials for ubot 4.0
  7. razer

    Account creator

    here is a example of what I am trying to do, I did not include the site. ubot.ubot
  8. hey, So I am wanting to create a auto account creator for a website I have a lot of emails to make these accounts. I want to place this into a loop with change proxy and create accounts after each other. I have been watching the basic videos but they are not teaching me more advanced things I want to do with my ubot this is how it is setup right now I am using a " list from file" for my emails - Usernames are created with "Account Data" along with password Now I am seeing there is a "Save to file" fuction but how would I get that to save my new information since I have not added my own V
  9. how are you changing the port are you just typing in the IP and Port maybe try use a list from file and add that one IP into it.
  10. razer

    Proxy Problem

    Hello, for some reason I am now getting this error when running " change proxy" Script Error Imput String was not in correct format. what does this mean Think I fixed it Thanks anyway!
  11. Sounds cool, I also have been seeing some people by pass the phone verification and just using "current email address" to unluck there account if it does get locked. Update: by the looks of it I can get $2 sim cards around where I live I was wondering would it be worth it?
  12. I will hit you up! (-(-_( )_-)-), on 25 Jun 2013 - 7:06 PM, said: Build them using the "Your current email address". I have Thousands of Gmails, all with this option setup, when Google flags the accounts.. It ask me to place this email thats listed on the account, once I do so.. the account is fine and back to working order. I'm not trying to be rude colton, but just because you have issues keeping accounts alive does not mean it's a world wide issue. Could be something your doing. I abuse the hell out of my Gmail accounts. Only thing they ever ask for is for me to verify my attached
  13. So what is it fiverr for everything now days? Whats the point of having ubot then
  14. Hello everyone, So I have been using Ubot for a little while now and I have a basic setup for creating emails. I have a proxy scrapper to work with my proxy changer when creating a new email for a whole different IP. But I am wanting to create accounts with phone verification, how would I go at doing this? Also do people still buy non phone accounts. Thanks.
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