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  • Birthday 03/23/1983

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    looking for a pro

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    Windows 7
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    v3.5 & v4.0
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    Developer Edition

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  1. I started do a project and I'm stuck .. I need a pro for my little project hit me up on skype;)
  2. some more option if is possible -to wake up at 6:00 each morning -grab the coffe from expresor
  3. my appologies .. i dont know how to do this !
  4. I really don't know how to do this
  5. ui drop down("Pages to navigate", "10,20,30,40,50,100,200,300,500,1000", #nav) ui text box("Enter Search", #src) navigate("https://www.google.com/", "Wait") wait(3) type text(<name="q">, #src, "Standard") click(<name="btnG">, "Left Click", "No") wait(3) add list to list(%results, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<class="r">, "innerhtml"), "(?<=href\\=\\\")http.*?(?=\\\")"), "Delete", "Global") wait(3)
  6. and how do i set the script to go to next page and do same as i did in first page and so on .. then .. to same them in a results.txt for example I want to select how many pages to navigate .. let's say 10 pages and after this to save what he found there in results.txt
  7. I try to - scrap vine.co/v/ urls + description of them - scrap a selected number of urls from google search result and save them to mysql db and my code till now is here ui text box("Enter Search", #src) navigate("https://www.google.com/", "Wait") wait(3) type text(<name="q">, #src, "Standard") click(<name="btnG">, "Left Click", "No") wait(3) add list to list(%urls, $scrape attribute(<(before="<a href="\" AND after="\" onmousedown=")>, %urls), "Delete", "Global") save to file("", %urls) what's next ?
  8. I try to - scrap vine.co/v/ urls + description of them - scrap a selected number of urls from google search result and save them to mysql db and my code till now is here ui text box("Enter Search", #src) navigate("https://www.google.com/", "Wait") wait(3) type text(<name="q">, #src, "Standard") click(<name="btnG">, "Left Click", "No") wait(3) add list to list(%urls, $scrape attribute(<(before="<a href="\" AND after="\" onmousedown=")>, %urls), "Delete", "Global") save to file("", %urls) what's next ?
  9. wanna go from pro to dev + Free 1 year updates
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