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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/15 in all areas

  1. Try this build https://mega.nz/#!Qw5jmCDS!luBzmi2ZyJSDMvZsAzPJnKfz9oju_l6iuWn4zydnpaM Added a function called "$is already running", it returns true if there is already another instance running. However it doesn't look at the process name, it checks the name you put in there. So make sure you use a different name in different apps. Hope you find it usefull.
    1 point
  2. Oops, there you go https://mega.nz/#!lgRlibLI!l1vLHSqjngeQQ48H-W3u8ssgnnAWNNtqY73qbE8CuxU
    1 point
  3. Sorry for the delay. It works AWESOME! Thanks for adding it, I really love this plugin. Luis Carlos
    1 point
  4. Mac Address can be done with Python: alert($run python with result("from uuid import getnode as get_mac get_mac()")) Not sure about Serial. But you probably can execute WMI calls with python as well. Dan
    1 point
  5. Juiceme, is the key, I know at this point not really protective. But we planned back there to make one big open source plugin out of it with all bell's and whistles. Basically like the include command seth introduced much later, but they wanted a way to protect the ubot code that was included.
    1 point
  6. V3.0.3.2 tab hide: minor update
    1 point
  7. for HWINFO use this plugin http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16318-sell-plugin-advanced-systems/ command system info/detailed for mac address or change mac address use this plugin http://ubotplugin.com/product/advanced-connection-unofficial/
    1 point
  8. Saw this while at the movies and didn't hesitate to buy without reading the sales copy. Great tool that does what it says. Grab it while you can!
    1 point
  9. Picked this up and must say nice job bud. looks great, and runs great.
    1 point
  10. I was asking the same question also. This is what I came up with and works for various sites: plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "list scraper", $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http post", "http://www.somewebsite.com","", "", "", "", ""), "URLs", %url_list) load html(#output) stop script Cannot seem to get it working for the big G though
    1 point
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