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About utsavat

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/25/1992

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  • Skype

System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 8
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12601-botguru-secured-protect-it-bot-licensing-offical-release/ This one i find the best
  2. Load this into a table use #table Row Counter random the value of table row counter that varies from 0 to $table total rows and that is done.
  3. Use Regular Expression set(#Email Content, "Hello, I\'m trying to scrap only the \"3006\" to a text file. And it could change to more than 4 digits. Possibly 5 digits such as \"355356\". And If possible, The Item ID should not be case sensitive. Please help. Thank you!! <br> <b id=\\\"yui_3_7_2_1_1365476531574_1800\\\">Se habla espanol!</b> Brand New White Wood BunkBed Rounded Ends and Stackable! <br> Please note: the above is not the actual price.It is for posting purposes only. <br> ITEM ID:3006 <br> <br> <img border=\\\"0\\\" alt=\\\" photo Co
  4. Can you please show me the example of encryption and description i want to buy this
  5. Hi does this one supports auto bot start after restart I mean in between a job it needs restart then i want the bot to start again after restart Is it possible?
  6. One Mistake i see is that you are not setting Proxy list position back to 0 What other Problems you are getting
  7. I am making a bot in which i have to search for a word and click on the link associated with that. There is no fix site as the sites are loaded by the user. The Work can be anywhere on the page. It may have a link associated with that or may not Please Provide some hints.
  8. Have you tried to click on id="SWFUpload_0" also try this original-title="upload images from your computer"
  9. Can you post your uploading code so that we can help you out here. Also it is very easy to do that. Thanks
  10. DO you want it ready to do you want to get it developed...
  11. I would suggest you to upgrade your license as there are many great features in professional one. If you dont want Dev lisc then at least you must have Profess... Looking into the problem of yours lets see if we can find a solution
  12. yes the Short table function would be really handy but there are other ways also to have the tables sorted
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