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How To Sell Ubot Programs With False Positive Virus Alerts!?

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I just updated to the newest UBOT 5 dev version.


Lots of cool stuff I need.


But there's that big problem. I can't even compile a bots without my AVAST crashing and deleting my compiled bots. 


This is quite sad, because I cannot sell Ubot programs if clients cannot even download or open the programs.


How are you guys selling your bots nowadays with these false positive virus alerts?


How do you get your customers to trust your bot programs?


Thanks for viewing.

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I have sold thousands of bots, probably over 10k+ written with ubot.  I agree the AV thing is a pain in the ass!


BUT.... this is how i get around it and in all the time the support tickets we get i would say is less than 3% after doing what i do.


Put it this way, i can't remeber the last time we had to do a reufnd due to that issue.


Firstly when i deliver the software via whichever method.. IPN / own site etc etc  in the receipt or welcome email i tell them right away that some A/V software can cause false positive's.

I assure them that it is not a virus or anything harmfull, then i direct them to knowledgebase articles for the top Anitvirus / Security software providers on how to whitelist the software.


Before i did this i did get alot more support tickets, but since it really is not a problem to me and i sell a thousand+ bots on each launch i do usually.


Hope this helps you.



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I have sold thousands of bots, probably over 10k+ written with ubot.  I agree the AV thing is a pain in the ass!


BUT.... this is how i get around it and in all the time the support tickets we get i would say is less than 3% after doing what i do.


Put it this way, i can't remeber the last time we had to do a reufnd due to that issue.


Firstly when i deliver the software via whichever method.. IPN / own site etc etc  in the receipt or welcome email i tell them right away that some A/V software can cause false positive's.

I assure them that it is not a virus or anything harmfull, then i direct them to knowledgebase articles for the top Anitvirus / Security software providers on how to whitelist the software.


Before i did this i did get alot more support tickets, but since it really is not a problem to me and i sell a thousand+ bots on each launch i do usually.


Hope this helps you.




Thanks Jane!

This gives me hope in creating and selling bots :)

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A quick tip. Most on here will probably already know this but for those that don't.. I went the other night to use one of my bots in exe form and my anitvirus piped up and not only ate my exe but also my coding file too. So it pays to not only whitelist your main ubot program but also any and all side folders you have as well.


Also since it took over a day to try to figure out a certain scrape I had on the bot again. Now what I am going to be doing is making screen shots of my completed nodes and also when fully done make a screen video showing how I put it together. So for now on I won't have spend a whole day trying to figure out again how I made the bot. I can quickly watch a video and have it done again real quick if it gets deleted. Talk about being pissed. If it just ate the exe it would not have been such a issue but it ate my coding file too so now I have learned my lesson and now I will have all kinds of backups.


And Jane what site do you sell your bots on? I have posted in warrior forum that I wanted to do a joint venture but have not had any response yet. I have 2 very useful bots I built and I am ready to sell them. At this rate I might have to just sell them all on my own. But I have never ran a WSO before so that's one main reason I wanted to do a joint venture.

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A quick tip. Most on here will probably already know this but for those that don't.. I went the other night to use one of my bots in exe form and my anitvirus piped up and not only ate my exe but also my coding file too. So it pays to not only whitelist your main ubot program but also any and all side folders you have as well.


Also since it took over a day to try to figure out a certain scrape I had on the bot again. Now what I am going to be doing is making screen shots of my completed nodes and also when fully done make a screen video showing how I put it together. So for now on I won't have spend a whole day trying to figure out again how I made the bot. I can quickly watch a video and have it done again real quick if it gets deleted. Talk about being pissed. If it just ate the exe it would not have been such a issue but it ate my coding file too so now I have learned my lesson and now I will have all kinds of backups.


And Jane what site do you sell your bots on? I have posted in warrior forum that I wanted to do a joint venture but have not had any response yet. I have 2 very useful bots I built and I am ready to sell them. At this rate I might have to just sell them all on my own. But I have never ran a WSO before so that's one main reason I wanted to do a joint venture.

Thanks for replying man.

I usually make multiple backup copies including a code copy to notepad as well.


Also, I actually sell a lot on WarriorForum, not ubot programs though, I'm starting to though.



Pm me your joint venture link or info. I'll take a look.

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A quick tip. Most on here will probably already know this but for those that don't.. I went the other night to use one of my bots in exe form and my anitvirus piped up and not only ate my exe but also my coding file too. So it pays to not only whitelist your main ubot program but also any and all side folders you have as well.


Also since it took over a day to try to figure out a certain scrape I had on the bot again. Now what I am going to be doing is making screen shots of my completed nodes and also when fully done make a screen video showing how I put it together. So for now on I won't have spend a whole day trying to figure out again how I made the bot. I can quickly watch a video and have it done again real quick if it gets deleted. Talk about being pissed. If it just ate the exe it would not have been such a issue but it ate my coding file too so now I have learned my lesson and now I will have all kinds of backups.


And Jane what site do you sell your bots on? I have posted in warrior forum that I wanted to do a joint venture but have not had any response yet. I have 2 very useful bots I built and I am ready to sell them. At this rate I might have to just sell them all on my own. But I have never ran a WSO before so that's one main reason I wanted to do a joint venture.



I sell my software from my own sites :)  I moved away from warriorforum in around 2012 i think it was after spending a few years releasing software there (and getting WSO of the days) , it was getting a rep for cheap crap with too many tire kickers so i moved to self hosted and my loyal affiliates promote my sites now.


Send me a pm with what you are thinking of JVing on and i will take a look.



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  • 3 weeks later...

A quick tip. Most on here will probably already know this but for those that don't.. I went the other night to use one of my bots in exe form and my anitvirus piped up and not only ate my exe but also my coding file too. So it pays to not only whitelist your main ubot program but also any and all side folders you have as well.


Also since it took over a day to try to figure out a certain scrape I had on the bot again. Now what I am going to be doing is making screen shots of my completed nodes and also when fully done make a screen video showing how I put it together. So for now on I won't have spend a whole day trying to figure out again how I made the bot. I can quickly watch a video and have it done again real quick if it gets deleted. Talk about being pissed. If it just ate the exe it would not have been such a issue but it ate my coding file too so now I have learned my lesson and now I will have all kinds of backups.


And Jane what site do you sell your bots on? I have posted in warrior forum that I wanted to do a joint venture but have not had any response yet. I have 2 very useful bots I built and I am ready to sell them. At this rate I might have to just sell them all on my own. But I have never ran a WSO before so that's one main reason I wanted to do a joint venture.



Do as i do.

Fire up notepad and copy the codes in there and save it as yourprojectname.txt

So this way you got your files backed up in another format just in case...

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