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[Journey]-The Ultimate Ubot Bot Build - Plugin Free Bot (No Plugins Are Used) :)

Choose a bot to make for this journey!  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this a good idea?

    • Yes!
    • No!
  2. 2. Which bot should I make to demo UBot CAN!

    • Twitter service bot - using a service to schedule tweets
    • Word Press Poster
    • Forum Poster

Recommended Posts

Hello Y'all!!,



I would like to create the ultimate plugin free bot at the Developer level.


Why plugin free?

To not have any outside influences in UBot, this will be anything built in to UBot.


Why Dev users only?

It has the most options to work with, once this is done then can look at the other levels.


Purpose: To show Ubotters they CAN do it as well as to show UBot Team Dev's code that is not working for us.



I will take suggestions from anyone at any level.


This is going to be a working bot on some web service. Source code will be provided as versions are updated. They all will be attached here or in a git-hub repo.


Not sure on the time frame but at least it starts today. I imagine it will be on going.


Perhaps this service should be a WordPress Blog and the bot should post a 100,000 blog post or something like this. Just enough to emulate mass posting.


Something that will trip the most common issues that one may encounter in a typical bot project. Not all projects are the same however, the same problems exist.



My first poll is Should I bother?

2nd poll question will be - What should the bot be?
should be Captcha free unless someone wants to pay for them.


Something newbies can learn from and something we can give to UBot Studio Dev team to work with to demystify what ever issues we may encounter along the way.


There are many things one can do to reduce memory usage and make a bot run longer and there are things one must do to make the bot/bots run in tip top shape.


What I mean by "bots" is that a lot of newbies may not realize that ubot is 32bit and this means far less memory than an 64 bit program. So starting a new bot(of the same exe) or just have a separate bot running along side will prevent some crashes/problems.

Each bot has its own allocated memory space which is 1 GB of ram. So if u exceed this u have a crash or slow down or freezing.


I typically have a main bot that is the controller of the others and it runs them and shows needed stats.So each have their own Process ID(PID) and memory. What sounds better, 1GB OR  3GB of memory for your bots to run in?



Refactoring is a MUST! and I will demonstrate this throughout this journey.
An example:
Often I keep it simple and make sure it works and this could mean 10 set commands in a row.

Then I go in reverse and try to stack them inside each other to reduce the amount of set commands I have. The more set commands the more memory used. :)

Take this...

set(#text,"blah text@@XXcssXX@@this is text@@K<keep>K@@and some more text","Global")
set(#text2,$replace regular expression(#text,"(?<=XX@@).*(?=@@K)",$nothing),"Global")
set(#text3,$replace regular expression(#text2,".*(?=@@XX)",$nothing),"Global")
set(#text4,$replace regular expression(#text3,"(?<=K@@).*",$nothing),"Global")

and make into this...

set(#text,"blah text@@XXcssXX@@this is text@@K<keep>K@@and some more text","Global")
alert($Remove Text("blah text@@XXcssXX@@this is text@@K<keep>K@@and some more text"))
alert($Remove Text(#text))
define $Remove Text(#INPUT) {
    return($replace regular expression($replace regular expression($replace regular expression(#INPUT,"(?<=XX@@).*(?=@@K)",$nothing),".*(?=@@XX)",$nothing),"(?<=K@@).*",$nothing))

This is less code and more memory efficient... the function actually does not use any memory, accept for the moment when it runs. Then it is free again. :)

When you look inside the function you can see how it is stacked.




Maybe I'll create a forum with a free hosting that we can test on. Or a server that one can run on their own machine.


Ultimately, I would like to put the Ultimate UBot Bot to the test and show the world that UBot bots are good products, teach Ubotters how to code better and debug most common issues that are not already in the tracker.


IronPython may or may not be used if this project warrants it I will use it. It is likely in any case.


I need your help so post suggestions, ideas, do any polls I put up and comments, Otherwise these will continue to occur.


Thanks for your help!



---------------- Supplemental threads


Defines - How and Why




If I get a good response I will start voting sooner than later and use a poll to vote.

---------------------------- Bot suggestions will go here


WP bot poster

Forum poster

Tweet Service Bot - tweets via service like IFTTT except it's not IFTTT.

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Sounds good to me. I'm sure no one will get this as a negative other than paid plugin sellers.


That's the main problem on my big bots. once the user open it the CPU usage goes to 100% instantly. Mostly on notebook or laptop users.

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Sounds like a free tutorials of good coding practice with ubot. So if you separate it into small and easily consumable modules, it might help a lot of people. 

If it's just a big bot in the end with a 2 hour tutorial video, it's probably a bit hard to consume.


PS: Looks like you have a lot of free time. I have hundreds of projects available where I could need some help, and you would even get payed :-)

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Sounds good to me. I'm sure no one will get this as a negative other than paid plugin sellers.


That's the main problem on my big bots. once the user open it the CPU usage goes to 100% instantly. Mostly on notebook or laptop users.



This is not an attack on plugins. The purpose is to find bugs(ubot or ubotter) and squash them. Plugins add more variables and the first question from support is "Do you have any plugins loaded?"



Sounds like a free tutorials of good coding practice with ubot. So if you separate it into small and easily consumable modules, it might help a lot of people. 

If it's just a big bot in the end with a 2 hour tutorial video, it's probably a bit hard to consume.


PS: Looks like you have a lot of free time. I have hundreds of projects available where I could need some help, and you would even get payed :-)

This is a long term side project and could take months. This is why I put it here in the Journey forum.


I agree, a NEW tut for good ubot coding practices would be great. But the scope is to large for this project.

Interested parties will learn something for sure. Exactly what is on them.



I would be interested in hearing what you have to offer. PM me on skype or here.


Free time is relative, lol



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There are a lot of built in libs from the standard library that simple enough to import and it is not that much more to add certain packages or .Net is even easier in some cases.

Prolly start off with out IPY then add in to help in refactoring down the road.


It may be a good idea to help with debugging any issues. The more we can get individuals interested in IronPython/Developing better the more debugging and faster we get to more stability.


That would mean more users to sell shit to :)


Also, to get UBot some street cred yo!


We need to water the Ubotters and they will grow!!!



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Dot you guys think that badly coded Ubot bots on the market shed bad light on all of us?


I do!

IMHO basic shit should be free and higher learning should be well paid.

If we get these guys making money with decent bots they will have cash to spend on higher education and more sophisticated source code.


This will stimulate the UBot economy.


better botters >>> better debugging >>> better software = MORE CASH

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Sounds great, I was actually thinking of something like this but on a much wider scale where it's like a teamwork kinda thing.


It would be something to the tone of: 


Private AI bots.


We'd create a big plan for say a website like facebook. Then assign persons to work on sections in groups of 2s, 1 mentor and 1 noobie.


AI bot would essentially act and complete run a facebook account as if it were a real person.

-Scraping common comments

-Placing them on appropriate posts based on relevance

-Add other bots from here(If we all run 10 threads we'd have a super network in no time)

-Share random post, copy a top comment as caption/no caption/ simple caption

-Create a fan page and invite friends occassionally scrape content from a user defined source to constantly update facebook page(reddit is a good source)

-Like posts, Add people, leave them a compliment and then ignore them forever or unfriend them

-Follow people

-Keep up with trends

-Communicate through facebook messaging with other bots as to not get reported for spam and incoherent messages

-Basically act natural


Then we can have essentially 1 highly respected forum member to approve or deny requests to likes/shares of any url.. Essentially allowing us here to have the power to make near anything viral.


As I see  it artificial intelligence is as good as programming gets, and if we should tackle such a big project here then it would be an awesome learning experience and a massive perk of being a part of the ubot network. As well as it would encompass every possible plugin to create this as well as show any bugs, but once we've reached the end of the journey everyone is certain to benefit. And hopefully noone would try to leak/sell it or spam it with bad quality links(if there is no moderator) to tear down the entire network.


Edit: Would also make the forums highly active once again.

Edited by Ricx
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Sounds great, I was actually thinking of something like this but on a much wider scale where it's like a teamwork kinda thing.


It would be something to the tone of: 


Private AI bots.


We'd create a big plan for say a website like facebook. Then assign persons to work on sections in groups of 2s, 1 mentor and 1 noobie.


AI bot would essentially act and complete run a facebook account as if it were a real person.

-Scraping common comments

-Placing them on appropriate posts based on relevance

-Add other bots from here(If we all run 10 threads we'd have a super network in no time)

-Share random post, copy a top comment as caption/no caption/ simple caption

-Create a fan page and invite friends occassionally scrape content from a user defined source to constantly update facebook page(reddit is a good source)

-Like posts, Add people, leave them a compliment and then ignore them forever or unfriend them

-Follow people

-Keep up with trends

-Communicate through facebook messaging with other bots as to not get reported for spam and incoherent messages

-Basically act natural


Then we can have essentially 1 highly respected forum member to approve or deny requests to likes/shares of any url.. Essentially allowing us here to have the power to make near anything viral.


As I see  it artificial intelligence is as good as programming gets, and if we should tackle such a big project here then it would be an awesome learning experience and a massive perk of being a part of the ubot network. As well as it would encompass every possible plugin to create this as well as show any bugs, but once we've reached the end of the journey everyone is certain to benefit. And hopefully noone would try to leak/sell it or spam it with bad quality links(if there is no moderator) to tear down the entire network.


Edit: Would also make the forums highly active once again.

This is a great idea!


However  for this it is not wise to make everyone own all plugins. Free maybe but, even then no need for all to be included.


Keeping it simple to debug Ubot and Ubot user!!


This is the plan here.


Sounds like an Epic journey tho!!


Thanks for the suggestion!


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Also, as mentioned in OP,


This is a community project as the code will be posted here and probably git hub so people can contribute as a whole.


ALL suggestions are welcome and will be attributed accordingly.



This should stay with in the UBot standard functions/commands including IronPython.


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This is interesting. I remember building bot for a client few weeks ago. He already had ubot and a script working but he needed to add more functionality and the code needed some cleaning. He had like 30 set commands at the beginning of the script which I didnt liked, so I came up with this solution:

Instead of using tons of variables I simply made some functions to read and write to csv file. The csv file was like:


name,john doe





There were populate,save and read functions.

Populate saved the headers to column one which are name,email and website to a blank csv file.

Save searched for the header and pushed the value to the corresponding header.

Read searched the header and fetched the corresponding value.


This solution turned out to be groundbraker, reducing ram usage a lot.


What I also like to do is nesting the functions so instead of doing this:

    set(#text,"0this1isn\'t a2test","Global")
    set(#var1,$plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetBefore", #text, 2),"Global")
    set(#var2,$plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetAfter", #var1, 1),"Global")

I do this:

(using string management plugin which is a must)

    set(#text,"0this1isn\'t a2test","Global")
    set(#result,$replace($plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetAfter", $plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetBefore", #text, 2), 1),"n\'t",$nothing),"Global")

This greatly shortens the code and also makes it pretty, clean and editable, atleast for node view that is.


Another thing I do is put everything in defines whether it be functions or commands and put the defines in external files, then call them when the bot loads. At the end I have a bot that has 5 nodes of code :D .I must say that for large bots on small pc's this reduces the startup time from 30 seconds to like 2-5. However this is only for personal uses cause you are basicaly giving the code away. I have solution for that also but this post will become way too long.


All in all when you get to know uBot even Standard version is pretty much enough.

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Just need a project to do and some organization & delegation.



no one else has offered suggestions but me!! lol


but I have an idea that I did not  mention.,


It was my first bot with ubot. it includes scheduling.

The scheduler is updated now but I want to show some contrast as it was before plugins came to save us.

Contrast mean in noob code to experienced. But the new scheduler is in IPY.


so, I want to release it but in tutorial form.



This is interesting. I remember building bot for a client few weeks ago. He already had ubot and a script working but he needed to add more functionality and the code needed some cleaning. He had like 30 set commands at the beginning of the script which I didnt liked, so I came up with this solution:

Instead of using tons of variables I simply made some functions to read and write to csv file. The csv file was like:


name,john doe





There were populate,save and read functions.

Populate saved the headers to column one which are name,email and website to a blank csv file.

Save searched for the header and pushed the value to the corresponding header.

Read searched the header and fetched the corresponding value.


This solution turned out to be groundbraker, reducing ram usage a lot.


What I also like to do is nesting the functions so instead of doing this:


    set(#text,"0this1isn\'t a2test","Global")
    set(#var1,$plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetBefore", #text, 2),"Global")
    set(#var2,$plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetAfter", #var1, 1),"Global")

I do this:

(using string management plugin which is a must)

    set(#text,"0this1isn\'t a2test","Global")
    set(#result,$replace($plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetAfter", $plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP GetBefore", #text, 2), 1),"n\'t",$nothing),"Global")

This greatly shortens the code and also makes it pretty, clean and editable, atleast for node view that is.


Another thing I do is put everything in defines whether it be functions or commands and put the defines in external files, then call them when the bot loads. At the end I have a bot that has 5 nodes of code :D .I must say that for large bots on small pc's this reduces the startup time from 30 seconds to like 2-5. However this is only for personal uses cause you are basicaly giving the code away. I have solution for that also but this post will become way too long.


All in all when you get to know uBot even Standard version is pretty much enough.

Yes these are good practices only I called them stacking above in the OP. But this is exactly the types of things I'd all to share along this journey!! :) so thanks for sharing.


I made this tutorial as a supplement to this thread. It is all about "Defines".


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So if there are not any more suggestions I will roll with my very first bot.

It is a twitter bot ran thru a service to post tweets.

The reason I'd like to do it is that it takes a long time to add the scheduled tweets.-

one day wont take too long but a month should do it fine.

In the original one, I opened a new bot every 15 min and closed the running bot because of the memory issues.

The scheduling is random as can be. Support multi users and not all users will ever have the same schedule. After it makes schedule it can take random scheduled tweets away so each users never have the same amount of tweets, ever!


Also, the service limits to 12 tweets per hour. This is random from hour to hour too if one likes.

You can start and stop a specific time as well. Start tweeting at 6 am stop at 8pm or whatever you choose.

It accounts for month and year change as well.

I won't provide the name of the service until we vote on the bot and if it wins then obviously will share it.

Tweet Service Bot - tweets via service like IFTTT except it's not IFTTT.


I tried to add to the current poll but it just wouldn't let me vote then can t add a poll to individual posts like this one so I guess start a new one.


If I can add another poll I will.

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Have you thought about using Twitter's API? Its pretty easy to work with GET requests duh. It seems that Twitter doesn't mind overposting and bot accounts whatsoever. Just a thought.. 

Waiting to see what this bot can do as I am currently into some twitter tests.





PS I also dont like when I dont have control over my assets (regarding IFTTT as it can be a bitch sometimes)

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Have you thought about using Twitter's API? Its pretty easy to work with GET requests duh. It seems that Twitter doesn't mind overposting and bot accounts whatsoever. Just a thought.. 

Waiting to see what this bot can do as I am currently into some twitter tests.





PS I also dont like when I dont have control over my assets (regarding IFTTT as it can be a bitch sometimes)

The point of this journey is to use the BROWSER ONLY.


Yes, I use the API in my Python scripts.


all API's have their limits, you should know them before you get your ASSets banned


The bot I made for the service was over 3 yrs ago.


Also, with a service you can reduce the need for proxies (auth'ng the service )and VPS's


In addition, your posts are on a schedule for years if you like.




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I will reveal the service if twitter wins. :)


It will handle multiple accounts(best one to one, not multiple in one service account), creates accounts(with the service), adds app to twitter, schedules tweets with or with out pic, deletes all tweets and whatever else is free to do on this service.

This service has been around like 3.5 yrs ish maybe longer.



If you guys have any other suggestions please post them up!!

I have a couple things I gotta do so prolly let the voting continue 2 more weeks.

So voting ends on April 4, 2016


Sorry if it is to long but, this project just a side project and I need to take care of biz first.


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