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Why Chrome 21 And Chrome 39?

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Is there a reason why we got 2 browsers?


One with some bugs and the other with different bugs.


Why not focus on one browser that support all functions?


I got bots that work on Chrome 21 but not 39 and viceversa.


Is a nightamre trying to figure out what works on what to determinde which browser version is best to use.


What is the logic behind 2?


If somebody can shed some light it would be amazing.

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Hey there,


You are looking at the latest release of UBot Studio, which includes UBot Studio Stealth. 

I guess you aren't subscribed to emails to get all the important news :)


Please visit network.ubotstudio.com/blog for more information.  The latest version of UBot Studio includes Chrome 21 for backwards compatibility. Chrome 39 is the newest browser framework.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished coding one of my bots over to the new Ubot version 5.9.4 using chrome 39 and it is working just fine.


Had some bugs before so I decided not to build it in this new version and keep it with Ubot 4 but then the bot started having issues with the old browser so I decided to give it another go yesterday and it looks like everything for the most part is running smooth. I did however, notice a few different bugs that need to solved.

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