Happy Birthday, Happy Version!
It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full 5 years since UBot Studio first revolutionized internet marketing. From humble beginnings, UBot has grown to into a foundational part of any serious internet marketer’s toolkit.
It’s hard to imagine a more fitting occasion for the release of UBot Studio 5.5! As previously mentioned, UBot Studio 5.5 is not only the most feature-rich, most stable version of UBot Studio to date, it also opened some important new doors. This version has IronPython built right into it’s core, which gives it the ability to play nicely with any other software technology out there. Using this feature (available in the developer edition) allows users to import dlls, write complex algorithms, and work with the full expressiveness of an object oriented programming language.
If any of that sound overly technical for your tastes, don’t worry, we’ve still got you covered. You see, another important feature of the python functionality is that it allows us to add extremely powerful tools into the Bot Bank. In fact, we’ve completely repurposed the Bot Bank. If you take a look inside the Bot Bank in UBot Studio 5.5, you’ll notice that the websites are sectioned off to one category, and there is now another category called the Extended UBot Library.
The UBot Extended Library is a collection of high level, highly advanced commands for use in your bots. It’s for commands that are too specialized to put in the main toolbox, but that are great to have access to when you need them. At the moment, there are just a few commands in the Extended Library, but we will be adding more commands each month.
As mentioned in a previous blog post, the debugger has also been built from the ground up, with new table layouts and search functionality. There are also a ton of little improvements here and there, like the new “reject captcha” command.
Have you downloaded it yet? If you need to renew your subscription, then
Click Here to Renew Your Subscription
Otherwise, if you are already subscribed, you can either simply run UBot Studio 5 and let the automatic updater work, or log into your customer panel and download the latest version.
Important: UBot Studio 5.5 requires your computer to have .net 4.5 installed. Here is an article on how to find which .net versions you have installed, and if you need to download it, you can do so here.