Happy Birthday, Happy Version!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full 5 years since UBot Studio first revolutionized internet marketing. From humble beginnings, UBot has grown to into a foundational part of any serious internet marketer’s toolkit.

It’s hard to imagine a more fitting occasion for the release of UBot Studio 5.5! As previously mentioned, UBot Studio 5.5 is not only the most feature-rich, most stable version of UBot Studio to date, it also opened some important new doors. This version has IronPython built right into it’s core, which gives it the ability to play nicely with any other software technology out there. Using this feature (available in the developer edition) allows users to import dlls, write complex algorithms, and work with the full expressiveness of an object oriented programming language.

If any of that sound overly technical for your tastes, don’t worry, we’ve still got you covered. You see, another important feature of the python functionality is that it allows us to add extremely powerful tools into the Bot Bank. In fact, we’ve completely repurposed the Bot Bank. If you take a look inside the Bot Bank in UBot Studio 5.5, you’ll notice that the websites are sectioned off to one category, and there is now another category called the Extended UBot Library.

The UBot Extended Library is a collection of high level, highly advanced commands for use in your bots. It’s for commands that are too specialized to put in the main toolbox, but that are great to have access to when you need them. At the moment, there are just a few commands in the Extended Library, but we will be adding more commands each month.

As mentioned in a previous blog post, the debugger has also been built from the ground up, with new table layouts and search functionality. There are also a ton of little improvements here and there, like the new “reject captcha” command.

Have you downloaded it yet? If you need to renew your subscription, then

Click Here to Renew Your Subscription

Otherwise, if you are already subscribed, you can either simply run UBot Studio 5 and let the automatic updater work, or log into your customer panel and download the latest version.

Important: UBot Studio 5.5 requires your computer to have .net 4.5 installed. Here is an article on how to find which .net versions you have installed, and if you need to download it, you can do so here.

What’s the Big Deal With UBot Studio 5.5?

UBot Studio 5 was a big leap forward in many ways. We added a lot of important features, like a ui editor, some new commands, and importantly, UBot Secure. UBot Secure was an enormous undertaking, and it’s implementation meant making calculated sacrifices – namely in stability and maintainability.

UBot Secure, has helped a few people protect their bots. But after much soul searching, I ultimately decided that the trade off wasn’t worth it. UBotters need stability and new features, and that’s what I want to deliver. Effective as of UBot Studio 5.5, we will no longer be supporting UBot Secure. Bots developed with UBot Secure will continue to work securely, and current versions of UBot will still be able to use UBot Secure. Just be aware that UBot Studio 5.5 you will no longer be able to compile new bots with UBot Secure.

So does that mean that your bots will lack security? Well, no. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as unhackable security – if there was, everyone would use it. Security is about giving hackers as big of a headache as you can. UBot Secure did this pretty well. In it’s absence, I can recommend an alternative developed by one of our very own UBotters. It’s called UBot Locker. Its creator has been part of the UBot community for years, and has expert experience with security. He’s trusted by our community and by our team.

And what does all this mean for UBot Studio? To those of you who have been around a while, imagine the stability of UBot Studio 4 with all the functionality of UBot Studio 5. If you’re newer, just rest assured that this will be the most powerful, most solid, most efficient UBot Studio ever.

This is the most important change, but I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve as well. Stay tuned, and all will be revealed shortly…

Dev Update

UBot Studio 5.5 is moving along as expected, and I’m very excited about the way it’s coming together. With the important structural changes and major bug fixes, we’re making sure that 5.5 will be the most stable, most sustainable, UBot Studio yet.

We’re currently testing the second alpha. Many important issues are already fixed. For instance, those long startup times, especially for users with a lot of plugins, are fixed. The private bot bank is now back in action too. We also fixed all the quirkiness users were seeing when saving tables, and the crashing issues with multithreading. These are just some highlights, of course.

We’re not ready to announce a release date yet, but we should have a better idea soon. Stay tuned!

Shut Up and Take My Money

Hey all! It’s Jess, the new Automation Specialist at UBot Media! I am having a blast getting to learn all about UBot Studio and our amazing customers. So I thought I would share a little about me…

I am a workaholic.

From a young age it was instilled in me that working hard, long hours was the only way to succeed and get ahead in life. However, I soon realized I was working my butt off and not getting anywhere. All my life I worked multiple jobs, even when I was in school full time. Maintaining a work-hard, play-hard lifestyle got to be exhausting. No matter how hard I tried to break free from the rat race I was living in, the fear of the unknown got the better of me. At one point I was working FIVE jobs! Who does that? When you are working hard, 70 hours per week between three jobs and not seeing the results promised, what are you supposed to do? To my great surprise and rescue, Seth recognized my over the top work ethic and invited me to be a part of his team.

When Seth first approached me about working for his software company I was hesitant. My technology background was limited, and the thought of programming was a bit scary. But the more I learned about what UBot was and all of the amazing things it could do, my interest began to outweigh my insecurity.

Seth took a big chance on me and all I wanted was to work harder for him than anyone ever had. But as I learned more about UBot and what it actually did, my whole way of thinking started to transform. My whole life, I was lead to believe you needed to find a path and work relentlessly, non-stop, until you made it to where you wanted to be. Through the use of automation, my eyes have been opened to an entirely new world. A new meaning of success began to reveal itself to me. I feel as though I have been welcomed into some elite club, and you all are showing me the secret back door to success.

For as long as I can remember, I have wished there were more hours in the day. The crazy thing is that UBot was helping me accomplish just that! Of course, I still work ridiculously hard, but it is on more fun and creative things. Now I have MUCH more time to play, too! “Working” and “success” are beginning to have completely new meanings.

A small example that I am too excited to keep to myself: our local grocery store has this online coupon area, where you can add coupons directly to your loyalty card. Generally, I spend about an hour every week before I go shopping to add the coupons I want. It saves me $60-80 a month. Work hard + save money = success, right? Driving home one day, it hit me! Why don’t I just make a bot to add all the coupons? Then I can have that hour back every week!

With UBot Studio, I made that bot in 7 minutes flat.

I clicked play and sat back. 42 seconds later I had all 389 coupons added to my card. I felt like a freaking genius!

In my excitement, I told a friend of mine what I had made. She said, “I will give you $50 for that right now.”

It was my very first “shut up and take my money” moment!

I felt guilty taking her money, so I just gave it to her for free. But I learned a very important lesson. Selling my smart bots is incredibly profitable. She was willing to pay me $50 because she could save $50+ every month.

If I were to sell just my coupon bot at $50, I would only need to sell 4 before I made back the cost of upgrading to UBot Studio Dev and saw my first completely in-pocket profits! I could do that by lunch.

Even if you’ve never thought about selling software before, UBot Studio Developer Edition gives you the power you need to evoke the famed “shut up and take my money” response.” Thank you for the opportunity to learn a new way to life. I hope this story helps you on the way to yours!

Jess Nowell
UBot Studio