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Automated Torrent Submitter

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Yes, i'm the new guy around here. Just wanted to say that I love the software, and that i'm well on my way to completing a automated torrent submitter to 11 of the most popular torrent sites. This would be used of course for torrent marketing. Figured I'd share my success and frustrations while building it.



So far, the last week or so has been my learning curve. But its starting to pull together quite nicely now and i'm getting pretty excited because this is my first bot and i'm by no means a programmer of any sorts.

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Thanks.. Just a quick rant.. I'd like to say that decaptcher, although cheap is ridiculously frustrating. seems that quite a few slip through their radar. As it stands now, I'm thinking that this is project will consist of 2 bots. One for account creation, which is what i'm working on now, and the other for submission.


The submission should be a piece of cake. However, the account creation is a tad tricky but running faster now that I'm getting into the grove.






Thanks for sharing. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are torrent sites mostly black hat? Is there a legit use for them? I have no clue. Looking to improve my knowledge.


Nah - not black hat - just blue-fart lol


Botbuddy - I really think it depends on what sites you decide to upload to - I really have no experience with torrent sites - but a few things that were apparent


Many of the sites have great authority

Many of the sites will give a linkback but a nofollow (still well worth it)


Take a look at the following example http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4756593/Micro-Sys_A1_Keyword_Research


I also looked at it in spider view and the links are crawl-able


Also - As you can see the actual url also holds page rank -


So I really guess its down to how someone will be using torrent sites


You may also have a profile page where you can also leave links - and your torrents may have links to your profile passing internal link juice -


Once you have a account - you may also be able to post comments - allowing more links and extra link juice to your profile page which could be passing the link juice to your torrents too as they may also be noted in your profile


Hope this helps





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Its not really about page rank or backlinks when it comes to torrent sites. Its just a different way to make money. Typically torrents will be used in one of three ways. You create a installer file which includes a popular software combined with a "payload" or a pay per install software that once installed pays you money. You see this alot when you install good freeware online. Another tactic is where you create a batch file to open the default browser and navigate to your website or an affiliate website. And last but not least you can create pdf''s with your affiliate links and blast them across many different torrent sites. All of these methods work... There are of course other ways to make money using this method but it gets into the grey area and somewhat illegal area like uploading pirated software, movies and the like. Which as you can imagine is just nonsense.


Anyway, i'm not quite done with the software yet. I think i need some help. I've been stuck on trying to make the account login's a certain ammount of characters because these sites are picky about character length. Also there are a couple sights that I can't get to click a button perhaps there is some java script that would be able to click it for me?


If your interested in helping me with this project PM me and we can see if we can help each other.





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Its not really about page rank or backlinks when it comes to torrent sites. Its just a different way to make money. Typically torrents will be used in one of three ways. You create a installer file which includes a popular software combined with a "payload" or a pay per install software that once installed pays you money. You see this alot when you install good freeware online. Another tactic is where you create a batch file to open the default browser and navigate to your website or an affiliate website. And last but not least you can create pdf''s with your affiliate links and blast them across many different torrent sites. All of these methods work... There are of course other ways to make money using this method but it gets into the grey area and somewhat illegal area like uploading pirated software, movies and the like. Which as you can imagine is just nonsense.


Anyway, i'm not quite done with the software yet. I think i need some help. I've been stuck on trying to make the account login's a certain ammount of characters because these sites are picky about character length. Also there are a couple sights that I can't get to click a button perhaps there is some java script that would be able to click it for me?


If your interested in helping me with this project PM me and we can see if we can help each other.






Great info - I could see the benefits of submitting pdf's but really didnt think of the pay per install - sounds like a great idea -


Am interested in helping


PM sent



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