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Is there an alternative to ubot?

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Sorry, no offense but is there any alternative to UBot Studio?


I really like the software but I have customers who wait for a week now for a new version of a bot, because the targeted sites changed some attributes and I can't send it to them because there are bugs in the new compiler and I have to wait until they are fixed.


As said, this is not meant to offend the UBot Team or make noise, but I'm getting in troubles in the next two days.

So please tell me, if there is a comparable software out there, it's really urgent for me!


P.S.: For the future this would help many users I think:


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I think this all depends on your programming skills. If you have programming knowledge and experience, you could, for example, purchase Visual Studio (or download the free Express version) and code your own programs in VB, C#, C++, etc. If not, and you are looking for something that doesn't require any programming knowledge (or minimal knowledge), I don't think there is.


I could be wrong, but when I bought ubot, I also bought two other programs as well. They were both crap, and do nothing even remotely close to what ubot does. I was unable to find anything else that would serve the same purpose.


If you have advanced Dreamweaver knowledge you could also program Adobe AIR apps, but again, it all depends on your own level of knowledge and experience. I hope that helps a little.



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most of the changes I'm making are pretty inconsequential, and are just intended to get things a little cleaner. I would bet money that there's a way to accomplish what you're trying to do in the version of ubot that you currently have. none of the bugs that I'm aware of and working on should keep anyone from doing anything. I'll also respond in the thread you posted.

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PsychoDad for easy bot making you are not going to find anything close to ubot it has it's own negative stuff but it's the fastest bot making program on the market if you know how to do some codding I would suggest learning c# or VB with watiN (Web Application Testing in dotNet) .

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Thanks for your answers.


I know that in theory this little bug (no eval in subwindows when mainwindow is on a site without javascript) is meaningless and with a little modifying any bot should run with this bug.


But one bot of mine can't run without this feature. It has to react within seconds after doing some math and this is not possible if it has to navigate to another site in the mainwindow. But also the bot has to run for as long as possible, so switching all to subwindows and keep google in the mainwindow isn't possible because this causes every bot to crash after one or two days of running.


All I can do is to hope you get this fixed today or tomorrow, on Saturday I have to pay a really hurting contract penalty to my customers if they don't get an update that works.

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