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Noobs guide to Javascript strings

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I took a whole day to figure out how to trim, delete or replace stuff using a Javascript expression within Ubot, so I figured I might as well share it. I have had not one drop of javascript programming experience, so you hot shot programmers can shrug and scoff all you want. :-) I'll try to explain this from a complete noobs perspective.


My objective: I wanted to trim down any long URL to the basic domain.

Take something like this:


Turn it into this: ubotstudio.com



You should be able to use what I show with ANY type of text string. I created a running demo of the javascript strings to show you HOW they would be used within Ubot.


Download: Shorten URL.ubot





You'll enter a long URL into the UI box above, hit the play button and you'll see the results in the UI stat monitor below. The demo just shows the end result of the variable. You would use this updated variable within your own bots.


Here's everything for pattern matching characters: javascriptkit.com/javatutors/re2.shtml



--- Strip Front Tab -----





The flow is:



As a non programer, I was having a hard time figuring out where things started and ended. (/( = is this something? How about this = /, ?


The sections are:


'{1}' = your variable will be inserted here. Just {1} won't work - you need '{1}'

.replace( ); = This is the outside portion of the .replace expression.

/ / = this is an inside group

, = find the stuff to the left of the comma and replace it with what's on the right

( )|( ) = Alterations of groups - (THIS) O|R (THAT) In this instance we're looking either http:// or http://www

'' = empty or nothing. Sometime you WILL have something like '{1}' (a variable)


Notice that there are no slashes here: (http:..www.)|(http:..)

This won't work: (http://www.)|(http://)

Reason: using a / would mean the end of a section. You've got to use a . (dot)

. = match ANY single character



--- Strip End Tab -----





The flow is:



In reverse order:

$ = start at the end (^ = start at the beginning)

. = ANY single character

+ = match one or more characters


.+. = any character, to any AMOUNT of characters, to any character again. This is the closest you'll come to the standard wildcard (*).


----- Strip both -----


Notice that it strips #URL first and updates #strip, then it strips #strip and updates #URL. By ping pong between variables you can keep updating your original data.


--- Other examples ----


Let's say you wanted just the authors name to a post. The narrowest scape you can do this:


Harry Kabonzi | August 20, 2010


You would run this: '{1}'.replace(/ \x7c.+.$/, '');


The tricky part is the "|" symbol. This won't work: '{1}'.replace(/ |.+.$/, ''); You need to use the hex # for the "|" symbol, which is \x7c. In this case, I'm also adding a blank space before it so I end up with only "Harry Kabonzi". To find more hex #'s, go here.


Again, check out this website for more pattern matching characters: javascriptkit.com/javatutors/re2.shtml

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  • 2 months later...

hi guys


this is a great thread and very usefull


im a little stuck and was wondering if someone could shed some light as to what im doing wrong


Im trying to load a list of urls from a file then trim them to the route and save the list to another file -


I have over 100 urls in the file however when i strip and save it only saves 1 url


any help is appreciated -


image attached below






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I'm pretty sure you've got to loop it.


Load the first one from your list.

Strip it.

Save it to another list.

Loop. (list total amount)

Save to file.


You've got to apply it one line at a time. You don't feed it a huge list and it change/replaces everything like in a text doc.

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ahh bikes - it makes sense -


So just loop list total > get next list item then strip - add to new list - save to file


sounds like a plan



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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Does this work in 4.0? I tried to copy the steps in the image, but I don't know how to enter this part into the eval statement so it shows up as a red node:




where I can put a parameter inside the node.

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  • 3 months later...

Does this work in 4.0? I tried to copy the steps in the image, but I don't know how to enter this part into the eval statement so it shows up as a red node:




where I can put a parameter inside the node.



For {1}, drag a drop a variable in between the ' '

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Great thread.

I wish I could download stuff :(

Just wondering - why would there be a restriction till I have 50?, seems strange?

if you got a ubot license , contact the support team to make them lift the limitation

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  • 10 months later...

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