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What is the "Next list items" in Table???

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I have a long list of url's in a .csv file with 3 columns. I want to navigate on the next url after the loop. How can I do this If I set a table not list? I just know how to choose the specific row and columns of a table.


What is the "Next list items" of the Table???

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There's no "Next List Item" for table. You can have the rows increment, but unfortunately, no "next list item" for tables.



Why are there three columns of urls? You could separate them into .txt or notepad files and then just use "next list item" in the .txt file. Or just have them all in one .txt file if they aren't being separated specifically because they are different from one another.

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so your best bet would be to create a variable for the row and then use the inc command on each loop iteration. hat way, as it moves through the columns, each item can be placed where you need it to go...you can decide where you need it to go.

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Another question lily. What is the clear list for tables? I tried to put a set list position and enter 0 but when the loop ends and hit the play button again. It will continue to loop from the last in the list and not starting on the specified position in the table..

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after you stop a script, all the variables, lists, table, etc will hold their values. Are you saying when you tell it to for example, go to column # row # it ignores it and just starts over?



Seth just realized that there is not a clear table. He will have that available in the next update :)

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Hmmm. The table feature is pretty cool, but there are definitely a few commands that need to come.


clear table,

next table item (and you have to assign the seperate values in a row)



Hmm, I'm wondering if it's just easier to use two lists?



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