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Is it possible to extract from Excel?

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Hi. I just bought this couple of days ago and im trying to build my own Senuke alternative.


I'd like to create multiple accounts per site, and still cant find where I can do this.

I'd like to pull say from A10 of excel and use that to a fill form field.


If that is not possible any workarounds/approach to storing a dozen accounts per site, that Ubot will use randomly.




I have a question about license. It says the 200 something covers lifetime license but only 1 year of updates to the software?

So what happens after a year? How much are the upgrades going to be?


Thanks guys for the help.


Wonderful software so far!

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I will let someone from the technical team answer your first question but let me help you with the second question. After 1 year, it will cost you $5 per month for optional updates and bug fixes.


Let me know should you have any other questions.

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I don't really get what you're asking for. What's A10? But pulling information from a csv or text file and create accounts with that information is no problem, UBot can handle that.


And are you also asking if UBot can make accounts completely randomly? Then yes, it is possible.

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Thanks guys for the response!




Sorry if my question is confusing.

Basically im asking if theres a way to pull from csv that is not random nor sequential.

What do I do if I wanted to pull from Cell A3 the username and B3 its password.


When my script is running on Zimbio, ofcourse i'd have to pull an account in between A11 to A19.



The excel file would look like this


A1 Digg_usernames----------------B1 Passwords





A10 Zimbio_Usernames____________B10 Passwords



A20 Wordpress_username__________B20 Passwords





So what im trying to do is addlist and pull different accounts from one file.


Currently I can do this, but have to create 1 text file for each username:password combination.

There are times I need to pull a random DIGG username so I cant just use 1 account for each site.



I don't really get what you're asking for. What's A10? But pulling information from a csv or text file and create accounts with that information is no problem, UBot can handle that.


And are you also asking if UBot can make accounts completely randomly? Then yes, it is possible.

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Yeah, I have been looking ALL over for a tutorial on this VERY "feature"...I find the whole explanation of using CSV properly to be insufficient.


I do love the product...very stable! Just need more tutorials on how to fly this fighter pilot.


All the video tutorials/manual (I've watched them all) seem to make assumptions that we know more going into this...I TOO would like to get a good understand of this...


I appreciate it!


Hi. I just bought this couple of days ago and im trying to build my own Senuke alternative.


I'd like to create multiple accounts per site, and still cant find where I can do this.

I'd like to pull say from A10 of excel and use that to a fill form field.


If that is not possible any workarounds/approach to storing a dozen accounts per site, that Ubot will use randomly.




I have a question about license. It says the 200 something covers lifetime license but only 1 year of updates to the software?

So what happens after a year? How much are the upgrades going to be?


Thanks guys for the help.


Wonderful software so far!

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If I am understanding you correctly (as an example) in your CSV you would have


First 10 rows are digg username/passwords

Next 10 rows are stumbleupon username/passwords

Next 10 rows are whatever username/passwords


If you want to access certain ones in the script then you first need to load all of them into a list as shown on numerous tutorials. Now you KNOW what list posistions are certain logins.


So if you want to get a random stubmleupon login you would just set the list position at random from 10-19 and then you have it.


If you are going through a loop and using the 10 digg logins then you would set the list position at 0 and then loop 10 times to only use the digg ones.


If you wanted to use the stumbleupon ones then you set list position to 10 then loop until 19.


Am I on the right track on what you are trying to do?

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Hey Aaron...thanks for getting in on this


To expand/elaborate, lets say you have a CSV file that has "unlimited" fields, for this example say 50 and also 50 rows and I want to get this UBot to, based on what that particular sites requires, it chooses the correct variable from each row, BUT you have to call out a specific field....


BUT there is no pattern, other than you can just call on the correct info from each field (on demand) AND.........


Like playing battleship..like right now lets say I want to call on this filed; A12 (column A - Row 12) and the very next variable I want to call on is Z43 (column Z - row 43)


Learning specifically how to do this, like in a video would be awesome!


Hey I bought your Blogging Bot software -awesome!





If I am understanding you correctly (as an example) in your CSV you would have


First 10 rows are digg username/passwords

Next 10 rows are stumbleupon username/passwords

Next 10 rows are whatever username/passwords


If you want to access certain ones in the script then you first need to load all of them into a list as shown on numerous tutorials. Now you KNOW what list posistions are certain logins.


So if you want to get a random stubmleupon login you would just set the list position at random from 10-19 and then you have it.


If you are going through a loop and using the 10 digg logins then you would set the list position at 0 and then loop 10 times to only use the digg ones.


If you wanted to use the stumbleupon ones then you set list position to 10 then loop until 19.


Am I on the right track on what you are trying to do?

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To expand/elaborate, lets say you have a CSV file that has "unlimited" fields, for this example say 50 and also 50 rows and I want to get this UBot to, based on what that particular sites requires, it chooses the correct variable from each row, BUT you have to call out a specific field....


I don't really know off hand how you would do this.


At first thought I would say if you know exactly what field you always want to call up then put the name of that field in each field. So if A12's data was = to "butter ball" then change it to "A12 butter ball". Then after you get the data then just replace "A12" with $nothing.


My recommendation would be to make the CSV file in a different format so that you can easily read it with UBot.


Guess it is hard to see what you are trying to make that would require that many columns and rows.


Also thanks for the blog bot purchase. Im not the creator, just an affiliated reseller. :)

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