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AUTOMAXED Browser Automation Plugin

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New Version Released ( 

- Adopted to new Chromedriver Release System
- Ability to update automatically when new Chrome versions are being released
- Tested and compatible with UBot Studio 5.9.55

How to update

If you already have a plugin license:

1. download the latest plugin version: https://automaxed.com/download-browser-automation-latest
2. put it into your "C:\users\your-username\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio\Plugins" folder
3. restart UBot Studio

How to get plugin

If you don't have a plugin license yet, you can get one here: https://automaxed.com/plugins/browser-automation

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Posted Images

Testing Browser Automation Plugin issues facing so far:

 1- It is not clicking any popup coming in google. like this Got it one:

2- 'browser file dialog' command also not working as well:

plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser file dialog", "Open", "File name:", "Open", "C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\Capture.PNG")

please help me in these 2 issues. struggling with them for so many time. 

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1. Please update the image, I cannot see it. There seems an error with the image.

2. For using file dialog, please use it together with the "Desktop Automation" plugin like this:

define upload image {
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser navigate", "https://www.ocr2edit.com/convert-to-txt")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse over", "Class[0]:vue-uploadbox-file-button", "Center", "False")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:vue-uploadbox-file-button", "Left Click")
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "{$special folder("Application")}\\image.jpg", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "
", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:submit-btn", "Left Click")

This code will upload an image from your bot folder (called image.jpg) to the site using the keyboard for the dialog (puts in file path, hits Enter).

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image-btn (1).png

1. You can manually click to close it. It will not ask again if you store the session and run again (store session with the browser path command).

It has nothing to do with the site. It comes from Chrome itself, new browser preferences.


Alternatively, you could use the desktop automation plugin to click such buttons outside of a website's content regardless.

For example "send keys active window" {TAB}, {TAB}, {ENTER}.


But the first solution is typically more practical (store session).

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How to store a session:

If you want, you can store logged in sessions and load them again.

The easiest way is to use the "browser path" command above the "browser connect" command, specifying a profile directory.

Profile directory can be any empty folder, it is just important that the folder exists.

After you did that and launched the browser, log in to any website and close the browser after that.

Now, when you start a new browser session using the path command with the same directory containing this profile, you will already be logged in because the entire session was stored in this folder.

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51 minutes ago, PRO said:

1. Please update the image, I cannot see it. There seems an error with the image.

2. For using file dialog, please use it together with the "Desktop Automation" plugin like this:

define upload image {
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser navigate", "https://www.ocr2edit.com/convert-to-txt")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse over", "Class[0]:vue-uploadbox-file-button", "Center", "False")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:vue-uploadbox-file-button", "Left Click")
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "{$special folder("Application")}\\image.jpg", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "
", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:submit-btn", "Left Click")

This code will upload an image from your bot folder (called image.jpg) to the site using the keyboard for the dialog (puts in file path, hits Enter).

1. ok everytime new browser profile, i have to click Got it button manually so that it doesnt come again. 😕

2. so it seems 'browser file dialog' command of browser automation plugin doesnt work . i have to get another plugin called desktop automation as well to handle file upload dialog in browser. right?

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1. Alternatively you can use the the desktop automation plugin to achive those clicks that are outside a website's content. 2 options for you.
2. That is correct. After we did some important upgrades, this inbuilt dialog function is not working atm. However, desktop automation can do it.

But to be fair, I think this is the most advanced browser for ubot in existence. Not 100% perfect, but best so far.

You should find 95%+ of it's features working great. Except the mentioned "dialog command" and the "drop-down" command currently.

However, for all such cases solutions already exist. So there should be nothing holding you back from achieving your automation goals.

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3 minutes ago, PRO said:

1. Alternatively you can use the the desktop automation plugin to achive those clicks that are outside a website's content. 2 options for you.
2. That is correct. After we did some important upgrades, this inbuilt dialog function is not working atm. However, desktop automation can do it.

so for both issues i have to get desktop automation plugin as well. hmmm. also whenever i use 'browser keyboard send keys' command. it doesnt send any keys, instead it writes down that keys. how to send CTRL + A command or any command to an element?

plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser keyboard send keys", "XPath[0]://span[text()=\'Your page title\']", "\{Ctrl\},\{a\}", 0)

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"browser keyboard key array" - I am busy right now. You can figure this one out. If you can't figure it, I'll reply next time again with more details.

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19 hours ago, PRO said:

"browser keyboard key array" - I am busy right now. You can figure this one out. If you can't figure it, I'll reply next time again with more details.

ok thanks. 

few questions and issues:

1- how to fast text typing speed. even i set 0 or 1 or any value. it types slow. or is there any option to type text without typing effect?

2- i am testing your plugin and running a compiled bot on VPS. but when I disconnect the vps from remote desktop connection. then sometimes web automation doesn't run properly. do I have to keep the vps connected or what? whats the solution to keep software and this browser automation plugin alive and running while I am disconnected from vps

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please help here: 

1- The browser is not working if there is another thing open over it, like a folder or something. 

2- I can't find any command to bring the browser to focus.

3- The browser doesn't work if I disconnect the VPS on which the software runs. 

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3 hours ago, virtualexpert said:

ok thanks. 

few questions and issues:

1- how to fast text typing speed. even i set 0 or 1 or any value. it types slow. or is there any option to type text without typing effect?

2- i am testing your plugin and running a compiled bot on VPS. but when I disconnect the vps from remote desktop connection. then sometimes web automation doesn't run properly. do I have to keep the vps connected or what? whats the solution to keep software and this browser automation plugin alive and running while I am disconnected from vps

1. You have multiple options. One is to use "browser attribute set" and you will just immediately set the value or InnerText of that element.

2. This has nothing to do with the plugin. You need to ensure that the desktop resolution of your VPS stays even when you disconnect. For this a trick exists, you can contact me in private and I can share the trick with you, as you are a paying plugin user.

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1 hour ago, virtualexpert said:

please help here: 

1- The browser is not working if there is another thing open over it, like a folder or something. 

2- I can't find any command to bring the browser to focus.

3- The browser doesn't work if I disconnect the VPS on which the software runs. 

1. That's not true. Not the case. You can even minify the browser window and it still works.
2. Desktop Automation Plugin.
3. I answered this question in the post above.

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25 minutes ago, PRO said:

1. That's not true. Not the case. You can even minify the browser window and it still works.
2. Desktop Automation Plugin.
3. I answered this question in the post above.

ok please share the trick about how to keep browser alive and working if i disconnect from vps. because obviously i cannot keep connected vps all the time.

in other browser plugin, i wasnt facing this issue. its new for me here. thats why i am worried

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9 minutes ago, virtualexpert said:

ok please share the trick about how to keep browser alive and working if i disconnect from vps. because obviously i cannot keep connected vps all the time.

in other browser plugin, i wasnt facing this issue. its new for me here. thats why i am worried

Alright. Have sent you. Welcome.

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Well, as long you experience superior functions with our plugin not getting blocked as with all the other browsers, being able to easily store and load sessions, all the advanced commands that you didn't experience with the other ones, it sounds not too bad to me.

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5 minutes ago, PRO said:

Well, as long you experience superior functions with our plugin not getting blocked as with all the other browsers, being able to easily store and load sessions, all the advanced commands that you didn't experience with the other ones, it sounds not too bad to me.

i love all those features. but my main issues are: 

1- browser not getting active or focus
2- vps browser not working and automating.

vps is the main thing on which i usually use bots and my clients as well. so if that doesnt work properly then how i can make bots working for my clients. 

please add bring browser to focus command so i can test it and see if that helps. because when browser is not active or focus. even i am connected to vps. then that also behaves a bit different. 

thanks in advance :)

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1. Can be done with Desktop Automation Plugin.

2. It's proven to work just fine on VPS if the "STANDARD DESKTOP RESOLUTION" of the VPS is sufficient.

The Standard desktop resolution means, the one it defaults to when there is no active RDP session.

I hope you can solve it.


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9 minutes ago, PRO said:


1. Can be done with Desktop Automation Plugin.

2. It's proven to work just fine on VPS if the "STANDARD DESKTOP RESOLUTION" of the VPS is sufficient.

The Standard desktop resolution means, the one it defaults to when there is no active RDP session.

I hope you can solve it.


1. dont want to buy a whole new plugin for single command. its related to browser features, so it must be in this browser automation plugin please.

2. so acording to your judgement, issue is with vps desktop resolution right? all of my customers vps are from contabo. it means none of the contabo vps will work with your plugin compiled bots? so how do I fix this? it never happened before with other plugins.

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Please ask Contabo:

How can I change the standard desktop resolution of my VPS to be more than 800x600 px?

The Standard desktop resolution means, the one it defaults to when there is no active RDP session.

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7 hours ago, PRO said:

Please ask Contabo:

How can I change the standard desktop resolution of my VPS to be more than 800x600 px?

The Standard desktop resolution means, the one it defaults to when there is no active RDP session.

my vps rdp file shows that i already have HD resolution. below are some of the settings from rdp file. 

screen mode id:i:2
use multimon:i:1
session bpp:i:32
connection type:i:7
disable wallpaper:i:0
allow font smoothing:i:0
allow desktop composition:i:0
disable full window drag:i:1
disable menu anims:i:1
disable themes:i:0
disable cursor setting:i:0

not sure why still browser automation stops when i disconnect vps

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RDP settings have nothing to do with the standard resolution the VPS defaults to when there is no active RDP session.

The plugin doesn't stop. It's that the specific website you try to automate needs more than 800x600px resolution for the elements to be present that you try to interact with and your VPS seemingly doesn't have a high enough standard desktop resolution.

Open the website in this tiny resolution (less than your 800x600 px standard vps desktop resolution) and you see that this the problem.

So you can either fix the tiny resolution of your specific VPS or adjust the script for tiny resolution with the specific site.

The "tiny standard desktop resolution" of your VPS is the problem, nothing wrong on our end.

Please ask your VPS provider why they give you a graphics driver from the year 2010 and why the standard desktop resolution is tiny (800x600px).

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30 minutes ago, PRO said:

Yes. For example "Browser rectangle" 0,0,760,560.

ok i will try this. because when i tried 

plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add arguments", "--window-size=1920,1080")

and closed vps connection. and connected again then browser size got smaller again. 

let me check rectangle command now. will this work before launching browser? or i can use this command over and over again so it always gets rectangle even after vps disconnected?

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