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PRO-TIP: Dealing with TextFields That are Troublesome

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Howdy everyone, i figured i'd post this up in case some of you run into this problem in the near future. I'm not as prolific as a poster as some helpful guys here, BUT, i can claim credit as being one of the first ubot purchasers and have been developing my ass off in regards to different bots, usages, and so forth. I probably have over 30 bots now and climbing :) My big thing now is compiling a bunch of bots to attack the job of creating backlinks across several scripts in play across the net. Just finishing up some fine touches and am going to put together a launcher via expression blend, but that's for another day..


Ok, so if you come across a text entry field that doesn't seem to be taking ANY input what so ever (either CHANGE CHOSEN ATTRIB or SEND KEYS), try selecting the ID or NAME of the textfield and then sending it a sendkeys of field for $newline first. It's the same affect as setting the target focus on a text entry field and hitting enter to gain focus in that area. Once you send the $newline, go ahead and reselect that textfield box and then choose change chosen attrib and enter what your variable.


It "should" work unless something else is funky going on (ie- weird javascripting)

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