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  1. ADD USER: emw-dgn Send me a message you would like to join the group. Nearly 200 members and growing. http://site-deals.com/images/button05.jpg
  2. To go with my Gmail Account Creator, I am creating a G+ Poster, but the problem is that I don't know how to upload images onto G+ through Ubot...
  3. if anyone can solve this problem? after changing the IP address and cookie cleaning (CCleaner) can not I vote;/ if anyone can solve this problem? this is link to my contest http://fotokonkurs.dolce-gusto.pl/#ku72gc (open link) click facebook Finger ( similar) write captcha and pres yellow button ( głosuj) First vote you can add, but rest is not possible 4me ;/ Like I said, I do not know how to give more votes Its mean allready voted Oddałeś już głos
  4. I am working on a url scraper, and the website tends to include the referall source, but I cannot include that when saving it to a file later on. I was successful in getting it to grab everything after the "/". testwebsite.com/ubotstudio?ref=referral This is what I have so far: [^/]*$ testwebsite.com/ubotstudio?ref=referral How should I have it match everything before the "?" sign?
  5. I currently have a mass messenger that scrapes thousands of users from the m.roblox.com's group function and sends each one a personalized message. The thing about messaging is that you are very limited time wise, so I have to have different accounts going at once. If you can help me figure out the main site's problem, then I will give you my messaging bot and 12 accounts. TL;DR? www.roblox.com Seems to not work with uBot studio, but the www.m.roblox.com version works great!
  6. I am new to ubot studio, have watched the tutorials, and have gone through the forums. I am running ubot pro. I have put together a script that posts an image onto facebook group pages. Everything works smooth until i get to the popup that asks to select the file. I tried using some scripting i found on forums for posting to facebook pages, but the naming of the fields must be different in groups from pages. Does anyone know hoe to complete this, or know the names of the elements on the popup that ask for filename and the open button? I know I'm a total noob here, but i have exhausted
  7. Hello, I have had uBot studio for over a week now, and I've already learned a lot! I have a problem with something though... I would like to sign up for an account for a website, and then use www.tempsky.com 's free email service to verify the account. The problem is that I would need to have a connection to both sites at once. Is there any way to get around this problem?
  8. Hello community, This is my first post and am new to the forums. Have studied uBot for a little while, but still a little new I'm having trouble scraping emails from a webpage... I have tried most of the regex codes in EditPad and the only one that seemed to work and highlight the email addresses was this code: \b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b But when I am using this code in uBot I dont seem to be able to scrape anything... Also tried looking with insersions like: (?<=.)\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b(?=.) Also tried it in brackets like this: (\([A-Z0-9._%-]
  9. Hello all, any ideas or suggestions are welcome. I am trying to get a bot that will upload images from a folder that will be housed on the desktop. Let's say there is a folder with 10 .jpeg files in it. On the first loop I want the bot to pull the first Image, then move on to the second etc...Ideally the image would be removed from the folder once used. How can I accomplish this, and have a future user select the location of their picture folder from the UI? Is this possible? Please note, the website I am uploading to has you insert an image like this: http://gyazo.com/d0906f675d437234
  10. Guys Need To Sell My Bots Bu Sold Any YET HElp Guys !!
  11. Okay here is the deal guys, I have a bot that is going to go into a forum and automatically post a subject, body, and tags. Here is where the problem comes, the bot logs in, starts a new post, adds the subject, and then the body ( which is contained in an iframe window, much like this writing area, they are exactly the same ) and then it posts the body also into the tags area. Is there any way to contain just the body element and allow the #body variable to post only within that? Or the root question, how can I select a block of text and then delete it thus allowing me to add the tags after?
  12. Hello, everyone Quick intro about me, I am 23 years old I work at one of the major Oil Rigs as a Systems Tech with 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I study Game Dev and architect design at uni, Been doing it for years 5 years in fact. I can also build graphic design websites. So I am totally new here and to the online marketing but I have been thinking about trying it for years. And I came across ubot looks very promising and quite easy. Easy as in I do coding for gaming. But I would like to know what can I achieve with this program, can I sell items create bots that will bring me cash or have
  13. Okay so i've been working on a twitter account creation bot, and im thinking about buying some private proxies. how many do you use? or how many proxies do you suggest that i buy. I want to make a good number of accounts, like... upwards of 25k+. Anyones help or advice would be awesome! Thanks, josh
  14. Hi all! so im having a bit of a problem with this Captcha im trying to crack. I've tried the u bot Captcha field, no problem everything works fine. so here is the Captcha code im trying to get. <img style="display:block;" alt="reCAPTCHA challenge image" height="57" width="300" src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_VuvH6bVbJoe6cEgchiUXthABLQz2HtNxuqI1Wwv8h4kzIpbNfTLTR1Pcla8hn-9Q4A1Wk2tt5f7racJ1Enr8kSFjWygrMLVYeTi0FQ_moU-D9m7msUPv3_YErrhcX05gYaJrw4IqgAvm9SQAlD2LXkqCjI2HGAqKsWzaSH-YD_dTywJDXFI"> It will work the first time but never the second. thanks fo
  15. Hey guys, Recently my little sister entered a modeling comp. I want to get a vote to going for her but i cant work out how to do it. I do have some experience with java eclipse(if that's even what you use) and i cant figure it out. If somebody could please make me a vote bot i would happily run it and would be so thankful. It needs to be able to bypass the recapitchas and proxy support would be good but is not nessescary. The website is: http://www.pumpkinpatch.com.au/comp/LoadCompDetail.aspx?compImageId=303 Thanks for all your help!
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