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Everything posted by politik

  1. Also, is the "Clear Cookies" command the same as running CCleaner from my bot?
  2. hey Guys, I need help bad! I have been trying to gather keywords and then check for the competition by gathering the "AllinTitle" and "AllinAnchor" results, however, I keep getting the automated query message from Google. I have tries short delays and long delays. I also have tried to change proxies after ever keyword with delays and I still get this message after about 40-60 keywords. Everything works perfectly until I get to the subscript "sub: Get "AllinTitle" Results". I can never make it out of this sub-script. I have attached the bot source code. Any suggestions would be great. T
  3. Thanks Meter, this gave me the idea I need to get the results number. The HTML code was different, but I was able to get the number. Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
  4. Hey Guys, I have been using ubot studio for about a day now and I love it! I am trying to create a keyword tool that analyzes the search competition. I am trying to scrape the search results number but I am having a hard time finding something unique to scrape from. The Results text states: "Results 1 - 10 of about 18,000,000 for [Keyword]. (0.27 seconds)" When I view the attribute by outer html I get this: <p id=resultStats> Results <b>1</b> - <b>10</b> of about <b>18,000,000</b> for <b>[Keyword]</b>. (<b>0.27</b>
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