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Everything posted by deiseldent

  1. Dear Botters... I have a list of merchants ( business owners ) on an excel file that operate in the United States, and they have opted to give their email, address, phone, name, company name to receive information. My goal right now is to develop a Bot that will assign variables to the email, address, phone, name, and company name, then populate those variables into an email to be blasted. Now since these are merchants who have requested information, by sending them an email introducing my services I should be protected by any SPAM laws because I can prove that these people provided the in
  2. It's telling me that I "have exceeded the range of the list", I tried a 100 different variations of what you just said and I keep getting an error. I cant even go into code view, because ubot is telling me that I haven't finished editing all the nodes- even though I have. Sorry about being a pest- hopefully that sheds light on something for you thanks DD
  3. Thank for the reply TJ... Unfortunately I have no idea on how to loop the first few lines into my main list? So far I have this add list to list($list from text($scrape attribute($element offset(<class="abstract">, 0), "innertext"), ""), %roughlist, "Delete", "Global") loop while("") { }
  4. Fellow UBotters... Can anyone explain the best way to accomplish what I am trying to do in the below picture? I am pretty sure I am going to have to play with regex, however maybe someone out there knows a more friendlier approach to removing half the content from an item? thanks in advance DD http://derekdawson.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/ubot-pic1.jpg
  5. interesting... I will give it a try and see what I come up with much appreciated once again DD
  6. Thanks nuc63 for your response! For some reason your method was not working in the above example I had mentioned to Zap... Would I need to have my UI made completely in HTML in order for it to work? thanks again! DD
  7. Zap... I really appreciate the help once again This is not what I was looking for however it definitely sheds some light on different possibilities. What I meant was making this picture of the girl below a clickable image that I can get to redirect... http://derekdawson.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/big-pic.jpg my thanks again DD
  8. Dear Fellow Ubotters.... Anyone got any advice on how I could create clickable images on my compiled bots? thanks in advance! DD
  9. Sorry for being vague friend... My plan is to create BOTS that my clients can re-brand and sell to their clients. The Pyramid would stop there though. For example... I sell a lead generator for Real-estate agents and my clients can go ahead and sell an infinite amount of copies to the R/E companies or collect monthly fees for using it, etc. However those R/E agents would not be able to re-sell unless they purchase from me.. does that make sense? thanks again HelloInsomnia
  10. Hey Guys... I am looking to sell my bot with PLR. I was wondering who has experience with this? I was going to purchase Meters UBotLocker and I will be using Innosetup as my installer. my thanks in advance DD
  11. Hey Meter.. Very interested in purchasing this from you. I just had one question... How will UbotLocker work if I am selling my bots through PLR? Is this possible thanks DD
  12. Please add me - dkamm101 is my user thnx
  13. Fellow Ubotters... Was wondering if someone could shed some light on how to accomplish the following. After this scrape successfully puts an item in my list how can I give my end user the ability to access the file and save it to their desired location on their drive? MUCH appreciated in advance... ui save file("Save As:", #save as) navigate("zagat.com", "Wait") click(<innertext="Lists">, "Left Click", "No") set(#openings, $scrape attribute($element offset(<class="field-content">, 5), "innertext"), "Global") add item to list(%openings, #openings, "Delete", "Global") save to f
  14. Well.. I want to apologize to this thread for the idiotic question... The answer was simply putting the pausebot, stopbot, and unpausebot within UI buttons and followng the same Stop Pause Check after each wait in your loop,
  15. Well the truth is that I am curious to see who has the solution... I simply couldn't figure it out after a whole day of testing. If I wanted to go the UI html route then that code is suffice, however I figured it would be a good reference for ubot users who are not accustomed to html and only want to stay within the stock features to have a look an alternative method. DD
  16. Someone had posted this code that does great job showing how to incorporate a pause, start, stop, and unpause button in your UI if your using html. I was wondering if someone could show us how to use the same concept if we were using stock UI buttons? I have been beating my head against this and cant get it to work... any help would be arrrrsome!!! heres the code... thanks in advance DD ui html panel("<button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'run_bot()\')\">Start</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'stopbot()\')\">Stop</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runS
  17. Hey Guys.. I was wondering which one of UBot's masters could shed light on how to make the following script for a "PROGRESS BAR" communicate with a working loop within a given script <!doctype html> <html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>jQuery UI Progressbar - Default functionality</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" /> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.2/jquery-ui.js"&g
  18. HIUGE Zap!! Well PM me if you decide to come down... a promise is a promise!
  19. Hello People... Was wondering who out there on the forum knows the best workaround for the following... Pretty much... When a user places a batch of words in my "UI block text" my script will then "Add item to list".... however at this point the batch of words will ALL be considered 1 list item. How can I set a varibale so that no matter what amount of words are entered into the "UI block text" , each word will be given there own number in list position. Ultimately I am trying to have a sequence where I run each word through a loop individually as I go through the whole list that is
  20. Hello Botters, After slicing up up my UI design in photoshop I was planning on bringing it into Dreamweaver and preparing the code for Ubot's UI HTML panel. Most of the tutorials online are for webpages within DW... I was wondering if anyone could throw a bone on the best way to code buttons and a search bars within DW so my design appears in UBots UI ready for me to link my script to. I apologize if this is off the wall request. I feel there is no good tut's on how to customize UI with Abobe products like PS & DW. This would definitely be a killer bone to throw to the community
  21. Got it figured it out... It was simply a wait that was needed for the words to load
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