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Everything posted by webautomationlab

  1. There is no refund policy. You agreed to no refunds when you bought it. Of course, you didn't know what you were buying, you didn't read the Terms and Conditions, you don't know PayPal's policy on software sales, and you probably didn't understand how to use MPP which is why you experienced so little success. At the end of the day, the software can't make up for an incompetent user. You're not sorry. You're a jerk who got a refund he didn't deserve, and then decided to go trash the guy who made an exception for him. MPP is not junk. I personally know someone who makes 1000s of dolla
  2. If the js is in the body code, disable it. If that isn't the case, change the id of the second field, input your data and submit. If that doesnt work, change the id, input your data, change the id back, and see if the data sticks, then submit. hth
  3. That "appears" good to me. You should use the UI Monitor to report those variables as they resolve. You can institute delays between nodes to give the stat monitors time to update. It may help you track down the issue. Sorry I can't be more help, I'm not much of a js whiz. I can read what you wrote, but I am not sure how to improve it, or what specific details might be incorrect.
  4. That feature is not available at this time.
  5. I'm guessing that when you nav, the javascript engine has to reload. You should store the start time in a variable, then you won't have to worry about losing it in your js function.
  6. Can you trigger the update widget javascript from a Run Javascript command?
  7. I would have told him he can run it and play farmville all day, for the low price of case of beer.
  8. Yeah, that is what I couldn't make out. Cheers Dave. Great post.
  9. What is that first shell command? I can't make it out clearly.
  10. You're not an idiot. You are entitled to better documentation.
  11. You could, but it would be easier to write out a separate status log.
  12. That's somewhat vague. How much data. Can we browse to another page to show the data, or do you want to overlay it on the currentpage? Much more detail is needed pls.
  13. You need to use regex, since I don't think the replace function supports doing this without regex. One way is to strip /? and everything after it. The / escapes the ? because ? is a special character in regex. By putting / before ? it is telling the function to treat ? like a regular character and not like a special character. Another thing you might be able to do is to strip html and everything after it (if html is always the file type) and then add html back on. This insures you get all trailing variables however they are attached, including anchors like index.html#contact. I'm not
  14. I'm all for sharing. It is a good idea. I benefit from smarter more talented users making creative bots I can't even imagine a need for today, but that I will enjoy using tomorrow. I think that is the real strength of UBot. I organize my bots in big subs usually. Initialize UI Startup Loop Shutdown Initialize clears cookies, clears list, sets constant variables. UI defines all of the UI elements Startup is my initial NAV, list processing, initial counter value setting etc that should be done before the main Loop. Loop includes the bulk of my bot. If the bot does not require an
  15. I don't know why you have to reload the list during the same session. Open a list, add each good entry, and resave the list (overwriting the old one) each time you add to it.
  16. You need to isolate that frame and load that url directly. Then, you can change the drop down to what you want, and then use Action Commands => Run Javascript => this.form.submit(); The real catch will be scraping the page to get the URL of that frame, and then navigating to that URL. This is the code from my phpmyadmin (with personal details stripped) <frameset cols="200,*" rows="*" id="mainFrameset"> <frame frameborder="0" id="frame_navigation" src="navigation.php?db=DATABASENAME&token=44b125e6edcbc0aa3664e99db38d37d5" name="frame_navigati
  17. Off the top of my head Load the file into a list, MAIN LIST The loop through MAIN LIST and each list item, add that to a list with , as the separator. Then call list position 0 and 5 and add to a final good list. That should get you started. If you get stuck, let me know and I can dig up some code to show you.
  18. If you save it each loop, you will only lose the data from the loop it crashes on. Which is the best any log can hope to do. Create log list. Each loop, add to list, and save to file. That way log grows each loop, and each loop, the complete log overwrites the previous one.
  19. If the log is per session, always have a log list going, and add good (or bad) entries to those log lists and save each loop. Re-saving will overwrite the old list with the new one including the additional entries. It's really not that big a deal. The only downside with UBot is that the list will be stored in memory, so it will eat up resources if your logs are huge. But this is a problem for manipulating logs almost any way you do it.
  20. Great work. I think someone had shared this here, but it is good you reposted it in such a clean format.
  21. Can you take a screen shot of the form and post it so I can see what it looks like pls?
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