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Everything posted by rotem

  1. Just add all that to list and then set this list as table column. Easy.
  2. Save it as list from text, separator=new line. To read it later use add list to list, read list from file. Spearator=new line
  3. 1. Protect gold is great. 2. Use shell commands to retreive hardware ID and post it to your server and compare IPs and what runs where, make bot read some unique code from your site, dunno. But everything is hackable.
  4. Thats thread from 2009 mate, for ubot 3
  5. That happend to me too, the PRO version got disabled. But they sorted it for me in 5 minutes.
  6. Click on Add new script, and make there Load HTML with that stats monitor onload hack
  7. To disable proxy change it to blank
  8. Its very bad that this option doesn't work properly with hotmail!
  9. Hmm as i know, the Account Data will always provide random info, so save it to variable first and then work with this variable.
  10. You people are strange. You can code all that in 10 lines in c# and it will work x100 faster.
  11. I was just hitting whatismyip. When they banned me, it was even better. I knew for sure the bot will loop until it changes ip
  12. I think this should work, didnt test it though.
  13. I can help you too, i'm bored. PM with your skype and with what you want to learn.
  14. Thread has to relogin. I saw somewhere here on forum batch file that finds those awesomium folders and deletes them. can't find it now
  15. I'm not downloading files on purpose. Talking about awesomnium cache folder here. It stores it in weird location that ccleaner on my winxp doesnt reach. And cache comes to 50gbs after some 24 hours run.
  16. No, i'm talking about disc space. Its not clearing up temp folder on client's computer.
  17. Basically i made a bot that runs in infinite loop loading and liking pictures. Its eating up about 10 gbs every couple of hours. Ccleaner can't catch this. How to get rid of that mess guys? My client isn't happy. I saw that thread other day with some .bat file that clears awesomnium cache. Help?
  18. Use winautomation to fill that window, i do that
  19. thnks:) but pleas tell me from were shuld i start i tried the first and second tutorials and they lookes the same i couldn't drag from the box and after that.....
  20. hi i just download ubot i wank to ask you good people how shuld i start is there any ebook? the tutorials dont match my ubot.... sorry for my english:)
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