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Pizza Pro

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Everything posted by Pizza Pro

  1. I tried the solution on this page, but I couldn't get it to work either. Maybe I did it wrong though: - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2820086/javascript-find-and-scroll-to-text
  2. Not sure if I did it wrong, but I gave it a try, and it doesn't seem to work for me. The screen doesn't even scroll. I guess "focus" only works for individual elements maybe.
  3. Hi pash, Thanks for your reply. It seems to be that this code scroll UBot all the way down to the bottom of the screen. What I'm looking for is to search for a specific block of text, and then scroll down to it automatically.
  4. Hmm... I tried it and "focus" doesn't seem to work for innertext in a text document. The screen doesn't even move... Anyone know any javascript I can use to do it?
  5. Oh! You can use "focus" to select innertext? Didn't know that. Thanks! I'll give it a try.
  6. Hi, I was just wondering if there's any way to make UBot scroll down to a specific phrase in a document? For example, let's say I have a long document, and want UBot to scroll down to the first place where it says "Headline 2". Any easy way to do that? Thanks in advance!
  7. Try signing into Twitter or FB before you navigate to the website and press the button.
  8. I've been experimenting with the code, and this seems to work for me: <input id="inputEval" onmouseover="this.value = document.body.innerHTML"></input> Basically, it will show you the UI Element's innerHTML the moment you mouseover it. I tried using "onload" instead of "onmouseover", but I have no idea why it doesn't work.
  9. Cool! Thanks for the cleanup! And glad to learn that you can actually use javascript in your UI labels. I see. Javascript is pretty awesome! I only know a bit of the basics. Need to start studying up on it so I can use it more. By the way, your Eval UI HTML trick is pretty ninja!
  10. Based on your code, I was experimenting with another approach. Basically, what I tried was, if the height of the scrollbar changes, then scroll to the bottom. If not, then do nothing. But I couldn't get it to work for some reason. *EDIT* I finally got it to work! Yeah! Here's my editing of the code: Took me a few hours, but glad I managed to figure it out. Though I'm not sure if this is good implementation or not, but it seems to be working so far. It only scrolls to the bottom when the ScrollHeight of the Scrollbar changes. If not, then it doesn't do anything. And I can scroll up a
  11. I see. Thanks! I'll see if I can think of how to do it in the meantime.
  12. Wow! You're amazing! Thanks so much. I'm trying out the new code now, and for some reason, it makes the scrollbox stuck at the bottom. I can't scroll up even if I want to. Hmm... :S By the way, I was wondering how you can find the class names for the UI elements? For example, I can see that you're able to select the UI Log View by selecting the class name "log-view". Is there any documentation where I can find the class names, id names, etc for all the UI elements. So I can select and manipulate them with CSS?
  13. Deliter, I managed to fix the code to make it work I think. The problem was it was too wide for me. That's why it messed up the spacing. So I changed the style.width Here's my reworked code: <script> window.onload=function() { for(var x = 0;x < document.querySelectorAll(".uielement").length;x++) { if(document.querySelectorAll(".uielement")[x].style.width==="400px") { document.querySelectorAll(".uielement")[x].style.boxSizing =""; document.querySelectorAll(".uielement")[x].style.width ="200px"; document.querySel
  14. Thanks Brutal, Is it better than the UBot UI Editor? I'm looking for something fast and streamlined right now, so I can get out bots for myself fast. So I haven't really done any UI editing yet.
  15. I think you can use the "thread" feature.
  16. deliter: Thanks for the code. Unfortunately, I'm not sure why, but it doesn't work for me. I'm still getting masses of huge spacing in between UI element columns. It does make the UI Log View box a bit shorter though.
  17. Thanks HelloInsomnia, but... ... unfortunately, I don't need more spaces. I need less spaces. Here's what I mean: After some digging, I found TJ had a similar problem. But no resolution: - https://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/920 Screenshots of the issue in the link above. I'm not sure if this is just a problem some people are having with the Log View, or is it currently broken right now. I'm using the latest version of UBot.
  18. Thanks deliter! Yes, I'm using the default Ubot UI. Not doing any custom UI at the moment. Thanks. I will see if I can give that a try.
  19. Hi, I'm trying to use the UI Log View feature, but for some reason it keeps messing up the spacing between all the elements in my UI. Is anyone else having this problem? How do you fix it? Thanks!
  20. Thanks a lot for the help, Kreatus. A few questions. What is the reason why I need to remove the new lines in UBot? Why is it that I can't use: Also, what if I don't have this line in front, because it changes with each page: <div class="panel entry-content" id="tab-description" style="display: block; ">If for some pages, I only had this: Then, how would I extract <p>Text 1</p> <p>Text 2</p> <p>Text 3</p> ? Thanks for the help.
  21. Hi guys, I need help with this. Been playing with it for hours, but I can't seem to complete it. I should have asked for help earlier. For this block of text: <div class="panel entry-content" id="tab-description" style="display: block; "> <p>Text 1</p> <p>Text 2</p> <p>Text 3</p> <h3>Headline</h3> <p>Text 4</p> <p>Text 5</p> <p>Text 6</p> <h3>Headline</h3> <p>Text 5</p> <p>Text 4</p>I want to extract everything from <p> until the first <h3>. So in this ca
  22. Thanks a lot Gogetta. I will check it out now. I was wondering why it was so difficult to do. I'll look at your example.
  23. Thanks for the offering of help, Edward and quite_interesting. Sorry didn't get back here sooner. I managed to figure it out with help from TJ. I was having problems understanding how to add people to my Google+ circles. Because I couldn't seem to select the element to mouseover or click on. It seems that what I just needed to do was select the elements using "innertext". That was new for me. Normally I just select the element using the UBot element selector, but it didn't seem to work for Google+.
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