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Everything posted by Lizzard

  1. Did you try the image recognition function?
  2. Yes, make it around 1k if it's a table and no more than 2k for list. Anything more will be a memory hog and will probably kill your bot. You can work around it by splitting your list into small chunk and looping around them. Like list_1.txt, list_2.txt, list_3.txt....etc and set your list file to list_#number.txt than increment it each time your each the last line of current list. The issue with reading a large list for uBot is that it tries to read the entire file before it proceeds, instead small parts as it process it. I've emailed Seth about this and he said he will feed that back to t
  3. As Gogetta this is a know issue. Follow this tracker for updates. For now, you can try a clear variable[#Random] before the #Random so it clears it everytime and hopefully generates a new random text. I have not tested this.
  4. I get that from time to time. uBot just seems to "loose it". Sometimes when I'm working on memory hungry bots, other times I just can't tell why.
  5. Same here. Please drop us an email when it's available.
  6. Hello, I don't seem to be able to get uBot to process a table with 30k rows. When I set to load the file and add the data to the table, it keeps chewing memory until it hits 3.5gb and still doesn't show the data in debugger. I've tried with a table with 1000 and 2000 rows and that works fine. I used Zennoposter before moving to uBot and it didn't have this issue. Is this is a know issue? bug? limitation? Thanks, Lizzard
  7. Once you scraped a list of elements to click which in this case will be for instance: <a href="Videos.aspx?cId=241&category=Arts/item1">Item 1</a> <a href="Videos.aspx?cId=241&category=Arts/item2">Item 2</a> <a href="Videos.aspx?cId=241&category=Arts/item3">Item 3</a> Same those to a list and randomly get one from the list, (then remove it if you want). Next, ran replace on the item leaving online what want to click, such as "Item 1". Set the whole thing on a loop and use variables to make things easier to go through the list. If the click is
  8. Looks like you don't have .NET Framework installed or have an old version. Download it from Microsoft and update to at least 4.0
  9. Hi, I was a Zenno user and still before I come here. I like the idea of creating unlimited EXE bots and being able to give/sell/donate them or just run them on a server without the need of running some mandatory scheduler. However, I don't like it when the ubot bot has to download support files before it can run. I'm OK with uBot calling home on: - Running the software to check license - Calling home when compiling a bot - Sending the entire script for uBot Studio server to complie (hope you got redundancy!) There are a number of reasons for doing this, such as the system not connect to the
  10. Hello, I'm new here with a Dev license. Hello everyone! Question: I'm working on my first bot and trying to save .txt file to current working directory - that being the location where the .exe bot is run. How do I do this? I tried just the filename.txt and I get access denied because it tried to save it to uBot installation folder. I've been using Zenno Poster and this was possible with current directory variable, don't know how it works with uBot. Thanks, Lizzard
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