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Duke n Dave

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Everything posted by Duke n Dave

  1. thanks guys! lol been too long
  2. Why cant I scrape a page using <title> (left attribute) and </title> (right attribute? I want to run through a list of URLS and save every page title into a txt file? Pretty basic... Thanks! Duke
  3. lol, weird.. i tried it like 10 times and had problems, definitely works. thanks buddy
  4. Hi All, I have been screwing around with this all day.. I can figure out how to scrape a page and move on.. but this damn checkbox is giving me problems.. What is the best way to determine if a checkbox is clicked, the move onto code? I have tried #variable = 1, true.. etc What is wrong with this? Any help would be great. Thanks!
  5. Ok Praney, thanks again I got it! I used the 'inc' option and set #row +1... this worked perfect!!! The only other issue is the table is not counting 1 row, so when I go through the loop its skipping 1 account.. any ideas on how this could be fixed? Thanks again for your time! duken EDIT - LOL, ok just gotta think a little bit, i just added a blank entry after my last account in the text file and that fixes it.. thanks again Praney I appreciate the help!!
  6. Thanks for the help, I have not used tables before I will look into it more.. As far as the code, I implemented the code and everything works, but I have the same problem.. the variables are staying the same still.. Should I be using 'set' to change the table/row position at the end of my code to activate the switch? Thanks again for the help, I am gonna keep playing with it. Also when I load a table of 5 items, for some reason $total table rows is showing 4.. I know tables/lists are 0 based is there a way around this? Here is how the code looks now -
  7. Hi Everyone, So I have a bot that basically loads a list of accounts.. the format is account:pass I then create a new list and use the deliminator : to seperate the list... this all works fine. Then I have a loop that sets the variable #username using $list item (the list) and position 0.. I do the same for the password. The login and separation works... problem is when it loops back to the top the variables stay the same... I have tried at the bottom before the loop to 'set list position' and move to 'next list item' I am wondering what is the best/easiest way to reset those variab
  8. anyone know how to log out of facebook? it looks like its all java... thanks
  9. Ya thats what I was thinking.. I am gonna throw in an option to use multiple accounts. So I will have 20 accounts and will do a run of say 10 friends before switching accounts, hopefully that gives the account enough time to sit idle before returning to it. Thanks for the input!
  10. Hi, So I have some questions... I am trying to load a file or urls/proxies and I want them to show up in a GUI list box. Whats the best way to do this? I tried to setup a open file text box, and have a UI list box and then transfer the data to the list but couldnt get it to work. Also I am confused with this.. Facebook is either using 2 urls to generate the captchas. I have them both identified and setup to grab using wildcards. I am having trouble figuring out the best way to setup a IF/evaluate qualifier.. If 1 is found then go HERE if not then go HERE. Any help would be appreciate
  11. Hi Ubotters, I decided to load up ubot after several months of not using it. I build a facebook friend adder in a couple of hours and everything is working great besides the damn limits. Have any of you been able to get around the block? I only added about 40 friends before the account was logged off. When I logged back on it says 'do you understand how friends work?' etc.. and says the account cannot ad friends for 2 days. Anyone gotten around this? Thanks, duken
  12. Thanks alcr I read that before and it was a good post, I finally got it! http://user%40domain%2Ecom:password@domain.com:2095/horde/index.php Works like a champ, for some reason the %40 was throwing it off...
  13. Alright now it triggers the navigation after i removed the @url.com from the username but now it goes to a page that says.. I tried clearing cookies "This program cannot display the webpage".. Tried shelling ccleaner to clear cookies but nothing.. Thanks everyone.
  14. Hmm interesting.. I think I figured it out... This loads fine in firefox.. but when I try to run it in ubot it doesnt wanna navigate... http://user@domain.com:password@domain.com:2095/horde/index.php I tried removing everything after 2095 but it still doesnt wanna navigate its really weird... It doesnt even trigger in the browser window I cant hear the usual click noise when its navigating through pages.. duken dave
  15. Hey Everyone, Back with a question... I made a quick little bot that logs into my main cpanel account and creates email acounts for whatever domain I pick. The bot them saves them into a file like email@url.com:password... What I need to do next is be able to log into each account and verify some links.. Is there any easy tips like the cpanel login (http://user:pass@url.com:2082) for webmail accounts, it doesnt really matter which client I use... Any help would be great. Thanks! duken dave
  16. Hey Ubotters, I am a bit new and already have been helped out quite a bit by this forum thanks to you all! I wanted to share something that might be obvious, but is good information for noobs... I usually use this to debug my code... I read about creating error reports and all that stuff which is really the best way to go about debugging code.. but this is simple and easy to implement and can give you an idea of whats going on within the code.. I always like to create a "UI stat monitor" that tracks the variable "#status" or whatever you want to name it... Then throughout my code I us
  17. Awesome man that makes sense I just needed to give the characters a variable. Great help I really appreciate it.
  18. Ok I got it, for anyone else who may need help what I did was added the click dialog button closed, and run javascript into a thread, and added that into my "then" box... I dont know if this is proper but it seems to work for me.. Thanks again for the guidance dave. http://elev8webconsulting.com/fixed.PNG
  19. Haha thanks Dave you are really helping me out sorry to bug you, another question is there any bugs in version 3.306 that affect the Click Dialog function? For some reason I cant click the Error message box closed and it seems pretty straight forward... Example: http://elev8webconsulting.com/new-examp.PNG If i use "close all dialogs" it seems to ruin my captcha form so I dont have time to enter the information because it is a dialog box and closes it.. anyways thanks for the help duken dave
  20. Alright it works perfect but for some reason the click dialog box AND close all dialogs are not clicking the button and closing it, once I click them closed it works perfect thanks so much for your help. This gave me a great understanding of how I can use popups to evaluate things!
  21. Wait dumb question, all I should need to do is close the dialog after whatever error and run whatever subs/scripts I want after that right?
  22. Hey Brit, Thanks for the reply I am a noob, I get the concept completely and understand what is going on with that code returning the error or no error and I am supose to read what the dialog box says, close it, and proceed from there but how do I pick up what the dialog box is saying..?
  23. Hello Ubotters, I am wondering what is the best way to store information into a file. I have attached an example showing what my code is.. the bot works 100% and I know a little about adding items to a list etc.. but am not sure how I would accomplish this... http://elev8webconsulting.com/example.PNG After I fill the text field with my seed user name and random characters how would I add this item to a list along with the password (which is a textbox variable) and email (which is a textbox variable) separated by commas or colons. Do I need to assign it some kind of value first? Thank
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