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Everything posted by diskwizz

  1. Yes, it responds back whatever the server sends back. So you could check if the response does not equals -1 and run your script. If it then does equal -1 you know there is a error.
  2. But that should also be explained in the example you receive with it. No a lock is not designed to lock and identify a connection, to see what locks are and what they do check the how to out. What you want though is of course possible, check out the code below. http://i.imgur.com/vD3i7HN.png define DefineToBeCalledByPHP(#context) { set(#requestData,$plugin function("Communication.dll", "$get request data", #context),"Local") comment("All work done here makes the client sending the request wait") plugin command("Communication.dll", "return response", #context, "Received dat
  3. This is all you need to check to solve your issues Howto Make A Bot Thread Safe When Multithreading
  4. Threading is always new and exciting. Your bots become quicker, they can process more data in a shorter time and they can handle more things at once. This has truly increased the power with which we can design and improve software. But as always great power comes with great responsibility. The main problem with threading is that multiple threads would like to write or read from the same resources at once. Resources in this case would be a #variable, %list, or a &table. But if two threads write to the same resource at the same time the resources will become corrupted or in the worst case
  5. Myself i use this one because it also supports CSS locators wich are just a little bit faster then xpath. Might just be a few miliseconds you save but on 50 threads troughout a day it will add up.
  6. The person would have to first hack the first bot that bot can then trigger a protection mechanism and disable the license. What isn't there can also not be stolen
  7. It's not meant as a replacement, it's more to show the capability's of the plugin.
  8. We all know the struggles with keeping our customers bots up to date, did you send all updates to your clients? Did your clients see that there is a new update? Customers contacting you because they didn't get there updates?! Well let me show you a way to keep your bots always updated without the need for your customer to download or for you to send out a update to your client. Think I'm kidding then check out the code below. Please note that this is just a example what is possible and should not be used in production code as is. Plugin required: Communication Plugin Client code: comme
  9. I have actually fixed this issue today in my latest plugin, for me it was the other way around sinds ubot 4 loads resources differently then 5>. I had developed my plugin for ubot 5.5 but after testing it trough for a few hours i found out ubot 4 had a different load pattern. Would have been nice if they added this in the patch notes
  10. New update: Improved speed of locating elements inside the browser by ~14% Fixed crashes in Ubot version 4.2.18 - 4.2.20 (also fixes crashes in other older versions of Ubot) Fixed bug in http proxy not working without credentials New update will be available in a few hours on JVZOO.
  11. Your welcome buddy, I'm always glad when my plugin makes people happy
  12. It will work with the Communication Plugin as it provides you with a way to handle popups. Ubots browser itself doesn't support the handling of popups. Here a small example code how you would do it with the plugin: plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Popup Container", "title of the window") { comment("Executes the commands from here inside the popup window") plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Type Text", "<id=\"username\">", "username") plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Type Text", "<id=\"password\">", "password")
  13. Is it a popup window or a new tab?
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