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Everything posted by diskwizz

  1. But i believe in the Plugin API if you set variables they won't be local but global. There is no option to set it to local inside the Plugin API. void SetTable(string tableName, string[,] value);
  2. We actually planned such a function before but it was impossible to deserialize a table. The reason for this is that ubot tables doesn't accept a function to create a table whereas the list does. Here in the example you see we can add a list to a list but there is no such function for tables. http://i.imgur.com/Ai1zBxa.png Prove me wrong and i will add it but i couldn't find it.
  3. It is true that the best way to secure your software is to let some small tasks run remotly on a server. Don't make it heavy processes just something that would break the software otherwise but almost takes no load on your server. This way you can validate the license on your server and execute task and return the response to the software. Ofcourse they could still emulate the response but it will be allot harder to make, then to just crack a authentication routine. Let me know if you need any help on this issue with the Communication Plugin.
  4. Will this issue be addressed? Because it's not the normal behavior of how threads should function. I have never heard before or seen that threads have to wait 2-3 seconds inbetween for them to work.
  5. I only find this issue inside of Ubot though, when I run this inside visual studio it executes all browsers without any issue. But in Ubot you seem to need a 2-3 second delay for each thread.
  6. Version Fixed: HTTP proxy authentication with Chrome Update is now available on JVZOO It was allot of work to release this update and also would like to thank everyone for there patience and understanding.
  7. Yes it is possible, but it's also possible that if one ubot crashes they all crash including the app that wraps them.
  8. Thanks for your kind words, the issue with chrome proxy authentication will definitely be taken care of in the near future. Im glad you are really noticing a diference in resources used with this browser plugin compared with Ubots internal browser.
  9. There honestly isn't that's why people asked me to implement it.
  10. The Communication plugin comes with a special command for popups CBrowser Popup Container this way you can handle popups what is currently not possible in Ubot itself. Plus a ton of other features! http://i.imgur.com/Dq91BER.png
  11. Version Added: $process running, returns "true" if a process is running. Added: $process responding, returns "true" if a process is responding (returns "false" if a bot is frozen or crashed). Added: $CBrowser Position Window, set's the position of the window. Added; $CBrowser Maximize Window, Maximizes the browser window. Upload will become available once Bliss uploaded it to JVZOO.
  12. No you don't need to open a port for the license system. The license is not needed for compiled bots. Adding a port in your firewall is just needed when you use the start server and you want it to be accessible from other networks.
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