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Everything posted by pftg4

  1. your using list item not next list item
  2. you can use replace or substring as long as it's the same length or regular expressions
  3. firewall try contacting support
  4. not in mine either and i have plugin installed looking at yours arno i'm missing quite a lot maybe post updated .dll ?????????
  5. common list items.ubot the code is not using $Common list items it is what you requested here is the .ubot file as you can't copy and paste the code as you have standard
  6. here you go used it to scrape and compare h3 tags from ubot start page add your file loaction as a parameter and drop a scrape attribute as the other parameter. define Common list items(#read file location, #Scrape Attribute) { clear list(%common list items) clear list(%Scraped keywords) add list to list(%Scraped keywords, $list from text(#Scrape Attribute, $new line), "Delete", "Global") set(#list position, 0, "Global") loop($list total(%Scraped keywords)) { if($contains(#read file location, $list item(%Scraped keywords, #list position))) { then {
  7. $common list items is what ya need pftg4
  8. no refreshing of the ui up to now been asked many times pftg4
  9. tj had deal going shoot him a pm pftg4
  10. it not going to work unless you use element from text in your click node Pftg4
  11. here you go tj did a good example here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10042-new-v4-tutorial-multi-threading-example/ hope this helps Pftg4
  12. variables are local to define commands not threads hope this helps Pftg4
  13. pftg4

    Account creator

    save it to a variable first then use that pftg4
  14. pftg4

    Account creator

    give us some examples your stuck on so we can help pftg4
  15. yeah with simple loop pftg4
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