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Everything posted by theo

  1. How can I clean a list I have built: Let's say after scraping and building a list and have: weight loss acai max weight loss $45 Colon cleanse weight $12 acai fat loss anti aging fat loss pill fat loss weight loss How do I delete (remove) from list all keywords with the word "fat" in them.
  2. Can't download this. Getting error: [#10173] We could not find the attachment you were attempting to view." Is there any other way to solve this cpanel login problem?
  3. Any progress on adding deathbycaptcha or is there anyone with a simple solution not involving third party softwares?
  4. theo

    CSV File question

    Thanks for your quick reply. It showed me my error and cleared my csv misunderstandings.
  5. Have listened to tutorials several times, but can't figured it out, but instead I am overloaded. I have a csv file created with one bot. Information is saved as: (url, username, passcode) http://yahoo.com, theo1, test23 http://google.com, jean123, test23 http://utube.com, henry232, test23 I am trying to make another bot to load in the file data and log in each account one url after the other. Notice that usernames are different because I used the random feature when signing up to create the list. Issue: when loading clear list %csv, add to list %csv -$list from file (it loads each l
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