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Everything posted by UBotBuddy

  1. We're talking about it on this side. Decision soon.
  2. Zero sales resulted in its demise. Unfortunately this plugin never took hold. Great idea but VERY few saw the potential. Buddy
  3. While I rarely use Threads I love the fact that this reduces my overall memory footprint. VERY cool Kev. I did think of an enhancement if you decide to use it. Actually two. 1. Provide a function like "Next Large List Item" like "$next list item". That way we don't have to seed a variable in the "Large List Item". 2. Provide a way in suggestion #1 & your "Random Large List Item" to remove the item out of the List when it is selected by the command. Hmmm Just thought of a question. How do I save a Large List to a file? Thanks again! Buddy
  4. Hey Kev, I am a little late to the party but I just subscribed. I just blew out my UBot with a out of memory issue so I just happened to see this thread. I am looking forward to testing the Large List as well as the Large Table functions. Looks like it will save me a ton of coding work arounds. Later! Buddy
  5. Well the top works! That's all that counts! LOL Just kidding. Great to see you JohnB!
  6. I knew about the plugins but I am all about the coding side of the fence. LOL Geeezz TZ do you start up your UBot on Sunday and wait until Tuesday for it to load all of your plugins? The three plugins that I use the most makes my UBot start up time to REALLY drag out. LOL Life in the fast lane. Gotta love it. Buddy
  7. Recently I needed the "Day of the Week". Yes, I could have used the javascript path to get this but then I got to thinking that this might be a great learning bot for those that do not care for javascript. This bot will show you several things such using the Define node for a function as well as some Regex items. There are a few other coding shortcuts in here so study the bot carefully. If you like this bot then please throw a "Like" my way. Buddy DayOfTheWeek.ubot The code for you Cut & Pasting people. set(#myDate, $trim($substring($date, 0, 10)), "Global") set(#DayOfTheWeek, $D
  8. A big yes to you. If you see that the $4 stuff is not available then let me know and I will make sure it gets changed. Thanks for your interest! Buddy
  9. Thanks for all of the great comments from my members! You guys are the best. Many will attest to the fact that I do not spam my members with affiliate crap so when this situation arose it caused me great concern. So, Today is the last day to get this lowest price. Thanks again to everyone who has been my customer since day 1 of this training site.
  10. Lots of GREAT info in here!!! I totally agree with TC learning Regex will add so many more capabilities to your botting that you will later appreciate. Buddy
  11. @the_way That is my attitude at the moment. I have been giving your suggestion quite a bit of thought. I may start a new PM with several in here to work out a potential idea. Buddy
  12. Oh yeah. This technique will work for that easily. I do that all the time. Good luck
  13. A better example. add list to list(%Original, $list from text("41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49", ","), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%RemoveThese, $list from text("41,43,45,47,49", ","), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%ThisWorked, $subtract lists(%Original, %RemoveThese), "Delete", "Global")
  14. The best way is to have list containing the items you want to be removed and then use the $subtract from list function. That means for your example that 41 and 43 would have to be in that removal list. Unfortunately, just using 1, 2, and 3 is not good enough to remove 41 or 43. Here is an example. add list to list(%list1, $list from text("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9", ","), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%list2, $list from text("41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49", ","), "Delete", "Global") comment("List1 was not removed from List2") add list to list(%list3, $subtract lists(%list2, %list1), "Delete",
  15. Thanks guys! Yeah I know a couple of people with the Open strategy and they get virtually nothing. Buddy
  16. Unfortunately, someone decided to publicly share information about my business that I only give to paying members. So if you are Gold Level member of my training site then you are safe. So long as you are not the abuser. As of July 11, 2014, the cost of joining at the Gold Level will go up to $97. The source code that I was giving away to new members will be also be raised to $97. Also, the Basic Level members in my site will be deleted and this site will be closed to everyone EXCEPT Gold Members. If this causes you heartburn then just think what it is doing to me. Someone in our r
  17. I thought I would throw this routine out there for those of you that want to show CS data in UBot's browser window. This routine will do it. http://screencast.com/t/zxAlxsYW http://screencast.com/t/V4xwZKdfBAB Watch the video and see how I made it. http://ubottraining.com/images/Video-1.png Here is the source code so you can tweak it for your own needs. CSV2HTML.ubot Have fun! Buddy
  18. Nice to have you here Sabrino! A lot of great botters in here. Buddy
  19. Does this work for you? type text(<(tagname="textarea" AND title="What's on your mind?")>, "Hello World!", "Standard")
  20. Good Luck Dan! I can mark this off my list now! Buddy
  21. Geeez! My usage stats for these new videos has increased big time! Wow and its not even the middle of the month! If I am missing any information just let me know and I will add it to this section. Buddy
  22. At the request of several of my GOLD members I have started a new section called "Example Projects". I have a list of Bots that I am developing in this manner and I will create a video(s) for each. The object of this section is to show from beginning to end how to construct a bot for that particular site. My training videos does this to some degree BUT this section will be dedicated to real websites that people use. What's coming? (you asked) CB Engine [DONE and uploaded] Google (this one's next...) Twitter Facebook Yellowbook RetailMeNot Fiverr Craigslist and more as I get asked by YOU
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