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luis carlos

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by luis carlos

  1. Thanks Dan for this plugin this is hands down one of the best investments I have done (sorry for all the fellow ubotters who can still get this plugin). This week facebook got smart and detected ubot on all my bots, then I started to learn xpath using the videos I bought from you (spent 2 hrs getting familiar), and voila my bots are alive , Thank you again.
  2. Check at %appdata% if there is a folder named "Ubot Studio"
  3. This is what I mean on chrome 49 http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/1196(besides of that, after looping several times doing other tasks, ubot crashes showing the same error). On chrome 21 does not show facebook site.
  4. Ubot is not working properly on facebook (current version). You will have to buy a plugin (Exbrowser) for coding your tasks on facebook.
  5. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are the big ones who recognize the chrome version (does not work on chrome 21), and since chrome 49 is a pain in the a*s, I am using exbrowser. After trying many "tricks", did not find a workoround. Hope ubot support does something with that chrome 49!!!
  6. The same thing happens using instagram, they have detected the browser (chrome 21), and it is no working anymore. The big sites are getting smart
  7. The same happens here... I will use exbrowser plugin, Chrome 49 is a nightmare!
  8. Problem fixed. Onload command was the cause. I dont know why, but It does not work good on some pcs.
  9. Hello. I had to update a bot using the latest ubot version 5.944, (The former version was using 4.2.20) the bot opens fine, and every action automated works ok. The only problem is when the user has to click on the browser, or needs to write something... in this case, the browser does not recognize the clicks at all. Already check the .net, ms visual c++, antivirus, firewall, smartscreen. Any ideas? Thanks Luis Carlos
  10. I was using broswer 21, and that was the reason because the first code did not work. I change to brower 49, and both work perfect Thank you so much!
  11. Yes, when the dialog is open.... I tried it with my own followers, and from other profile too, but the window does not scroll.
  12. Thanks! I will start reading about "HTTP Get using Javascript". I work with ubot pretty well while using the browser, but http is a new world for me
  13. I tried the code, but does not work on my end. Where can I take the tag name from? seems they change every time. Thanks a lot Luis Carlos
  14. This seems awesome, but since I'am not a pro coder, I dont understand anything Can you recommend a tutorial about this? If you create your own video series, I will buy it for sure . Thank you so much.
  15. Thanks for offering the coupon. I would like to try it. Regards
  16. It is a good idea for marketing, but not for the community at all. This forum has fewer posts everyday.
  17. The browser 21 has the browser.exe crashing problem? I would like to use a superior version.
  18. Hi there, just would like to know what is the most "stable" ubot version currently. I have paid for the updates, and 5.9.43 (browser 49) is not good at all. Thanks for yout thoughts Luis Carlos
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