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Everything posted by cashmax

  1. Thanks everyone, I have found someone to make me this bot.
  2. I am looking to buy a bot that I can load a list of google+ accounts into and a list of private proxies. The bot will do the following. I will enter a url to a post on Google+ example plus.google.com/u/0/115330547397634263542/posts/CWU836ZDUah I want the bot to then click on the +1 button for this particular post from each account once, from my list of accounts loaded. The bot has to be able to do multiple threads (multiple accounts at once, not one account at a time, as this will take forever to send a batch of +1's) I am also looking for another feature, either in a seperate bot, or
  3. Will the software ever have the option of running multiple instances from one bot? Example, I have an automated bot that loads a site, does a few actions and then loops... I would love it if I could have 20 instances running of it, instead of executing 20 bots to do it. Hope for good news, thanks.
  4. Just want to say, I just bought ubot studio a few hours ago and I am too impressed, I made my first functional bot in about 30 mins, it is working now on 10 servers, testing it and wow! This just changed the way I do things. I also like the fact that I can learn variables, commands and other goodies as I build bots with your app. This is the best money I have spend in a real long time. Thank you for creating this little piece of magic.
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