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Everything posted by Varo

  1. use this code: change file field(<id="fileUpload">,"C:\\sunnyday.jpg")
  2. Thanks heopas, this is awesome. Any documentation or example how to using it ?
  3. consider use dropbox or and google drive. I use those two. And i always use Alt + F + S instead of Ctrl + S, cause i read somewhere that Ctrl + S sometimes not save.
  4. maybe something on your "on load" code ?
  5. Yes its unstable, yesterday i update ubot to 5.9.36. And continue working on my script, when i switch between tabs its quite often become not responding. Must force close and restart ubot. Now i am back to 5.9.33
  6. Check in your AppData folder C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio\Plugins
  7. What browser did you launch ? For firefox read Exbrowser Command Reference .pdf on page 51 for Chrome take a look at this link below https://botfactory.helpdocs.com/exbrowser-plugin/load-chrome-profile
  8. Try this code : @TimC plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", $plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Set User Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1")) plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&ltmpl=ecobh&btmpl=mobile") loop(1) { comment("Month") plugin command("ExBrowser.dl
  9. No need |/n just \s+ set(#item,"01CA 02DW 0319 0423 0431","Global") set(#newItems,$replace regular expression(#item,"\\s+",","),"Global")
  10. Thanks for this deliter. Another easy way to generate css path in Chrome using extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/selectorgadget/mhjhnkcfbdhnjickkkdbjoemdmbfginb
  11. I dont have http post plugin. I run your code, it give me the same error.
  12. Hi Recently i build socket bot, it works good. (single threading) Now i want to make it multithreading. But it always gives me error Object reference not set to an instance of on object What i want to do is socket navigate from a list (more than 100 url) and save each "socket page html" to .txt file. Here is the code clear all data add list to list(%multi,$list from file("C:\\html test\\listURL.txt"),"Delete","Global") set(#row,0,"Global") set(#filename,1,"Global") thread spawn($list total(%multi),4) { launch socket() increment(#row) wait(2) } define launch socket { pl
  13. Maybe what Emanu2000 means is to bring the shared/new browser (small thumbnails on right side) to the front / as main browser so the client can see it. CMIIW
  14. same problem here, You are right about navigating to another page to "unlock" the browser, but in my case sometimes it doesnt solve the problem. The browser still "lock" (document text are null/empty). Other solution that work for me is Reset Browser. But it reset everything include your login session. Lately i also found another solution, step by step below: 1. Identify all js that load on your page. Choose js that needed by the page, and ignore another js about tracking: like facebook event manager, google analytics, google tag manager, sociomantic, etc) 2. Disable all js completely (All
  15. Work fine here. Maybe your internet connection. Do you access from vps ?
  16. You dont need ubot to automate photoshop. Just use Action on photoshop & combine with File - Automate - Batch or File - Scripts - Image processor.
  17. Try socket mode. Work great for me. plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket container") { plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket set header", "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36") plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket navigate", "GET", "http://www.hksinc.com/") add list to list(%scket,$find regular expression($plugin function("SocketCommands.dll", "$socket page html"),"themes"),"Don\'t Delete","Global") }
  18. The problem its not the regex, but your site: hksinc.com Try to scrape other site. And once more your code : add list to list scope is set to local
  19. Worked fine here. Try to run ubot as Administrator.
  20. Exactly same problem here. And solution is like pash said, use "change attribute" command.
  21. Same here, first time was good everything worked but when i run for second time, it didnt work. This problem is the same problem that i am facing on the other site. (with javascript element) I am thinking to try with Exbrowser plugin, but right now i dont have it
  22. Always save in google drive. So you can keep every revision for 30 days.
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