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Everything posted by MaiJing

  1. Thanks BestMacros. I'm currently using proxies/cookies/useragents/http requests and it's not helping any - I did however buy the SelBrowser plugin so I'll give that a try later on. I have a script done up that solves them, it's just that whenever the correct answer is given it still says it's incorrect. Never ran into this on websites before.
  2. Hello, first post here on the forums, so I hope this is okay to post here. I purchased Ubot Dev. a couple months ago and have ran into a problem I can not solve, I'm hoping someone is wise enough to shed some light on this situation. I built my first bot that scrapes and make lists of the daily tasks/surveys/activities on a well known Get-Paid-To microtasking website and saves them to file. Everything works great, except if using an existing account. Basically, I think the program gets flagged as a bot and each login attempt is given a Re-Captcha that is impossible to solve. The correct
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