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Everything posted by LazyBotter

  1. Hi Brian, So you are trying to run a button "Search for Results", have to tested that the button or "Define" is working using an "Alert" command? A few people get confused when running buttons from the interface, see example: ui html panel("<button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'Button\')\">Button</buton>", 100) define Button { alert("Working!") } ui button("Button") { alert("Not Working!") } So you need to run the button from a "Define" not a "Ui Button" command... By the looking of the error you are getting, this is something with your UBot code, like your list has exh
  2. Hi, I can't seem to get this to work, maybe it is because the bot is very large? Also does it support multiple tabs? Am I doing something wrong here?
  3. Try this code: ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> <link id=\"CSS_Link\" href=\"https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" > <link href=\"http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> <link href=\"http://lazybots.com/bootstrap/icons/icon.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> <link href=\"http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap
  4. set(#Your_List_Variable, $replace($read file("C:\\Path_To_doc.txt"), " ", ","), "Global") That should do it! :-)
  5. Also for those of you trying to create a dynamic dropdown that allows sub selections, you can check out this vid: Carl :-)
  6. This is because the CSS is minified, making it faster to load... Like botshimmer said, use a good editor.. You can also use this site: http://pikock.github.io/bootstrap-magic/app/index.html#!/editor Much easier :-)
  7. Here is how to do it with the SSUB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX0NN9AV3nk
  8. Unfortunately, you can't create a "fluid" layout, this is because the elements are draggable and there positions are absolute. So you need to decide the height and with of the application/bot you are building. There is a plugin on the forum that enables you to fix the size of the window so it cannot be adjusted. Hope that helps, Carl
  9. I have watched the video, but the elements are not dynamically created with variables, they are still created in the builder. This is just a like a tabbed interface where the tabs/elements are shown via a variable set. I have tried to dynamically create elements many ways with no success, unfortunately it is a bot thing that when you click "OK" in the ui html panel it registers the #vars that are shown in the debugger. Carl
  10. Hi, You need to add the "http:" to the iFrame.. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NVAbo5j3rYg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>That should do it for you! Thanks Carl
  11. Hi Fastlinks, If you mean dynamically generate checkbox elements, it is not possible as the html panel needs to be refreshed. There are some plugins that you could implement this with, such as the advanced element dialog plugin. Carl
  12. I am not sure what you are trying to do here... But the "Scroll Box Element" creates a list of checkboxes with labels. Thanks Carl
  13. You need to create a page first from the "Setup" tab, once you have done this you can import your UBot UI Code. This is NOT where you can import export code! This is for the "UI Commands" like the "ui stat monitor" etc. If you want to import your interface you should save it first! Then then you can select it from the dropdown menu and import the code. If you need to manually import your code you can save it to a .txt file in the "Interfaces" folder, then you can start the builder and select it from the dropdown.. Hope that helps! Thanks Carl
  14. http://ubotdev.com/snippet-tinymce-wysiwyg-editor-implementation
  15. Hi Guys! Update to V7.3 Just a little update to fix the problem with the "ui dropdown" command not getting imported correctly. Thanks Carl
  16. Hi Guys! The Hotmail Account Creator software has been updated to Version 2.3! Updates are automatic, just close the app and re-open to receive the update. Change Log: - Multiple fixes to the scripts as Outlook has changed quite a few things. - Account verification has been tested and is still working as expected. - Alias creation has been fixed. - Adding inbox rules have been updated and working. Thanks Carl Smith
  17. Hi Bobby, Unfortunately you can't do this (in the interface), I have tried this in the past with no success. The reason is because you can't set a bot variable using java/jquery, if this was a possibility then that would open doors to loads more options! But there is a solution! Check out this plugin: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16146-sell-plugin-advanced-dialog/ There is a ui html editor command where you can trigger it to show a wysiwyg dialog from a button for example. I have used this in the past and it is a great plugin. Sorry but bot has its limitations! :-
  18. If you are talking about the normal ui text box etc commands you can style them using the ui stat monitor, but it is limited. Try this in the "ui stat monitor" label field: <style>input[type="text"]{border:solid 1px;}</style> Carl :-)
  19. @fastlinks I will take a look at that for you. Update to V7.2! Hidden elements are here! You can now toggle elements using a button with the SSUB! Here is the Demo Video: Hope you guys like! Thanks Carl
  20. Hi fastlinks, Have you set the interface setting correctly on the initial setup tab? The values should not have the .px added...
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