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Leonard last won the day on October 2 2014

Leonard had the most liked content!

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2 Neutral

About Leonard

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    Windows 8
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    Developer Edition

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  1. Hey Nick, is the tutorial promoted in this thread -the basic, not the http post one, which I add my vote for too- available to purchase? If so, is it up to date and so the source codes included?
  2. Well Dan, this is really a simple task we use a lot in programming. It's in fact one of the main reasons for using a drop down menu. So, I guess there is a solution for it even when it be editing the final html. However, it'd be really useful for me if Carl can tell me where should I add the code for that. Basically what I want to add the "on change" event to it like in: <select variable="#selected_project" list="#project_list" list-fillwith="options" onchange="ubot.runScript('load_project');"></select> I could do it just this way by creating a pure CSS+html interface but that
  3. Thanks so much for your help Dan! Do you know if that plugin may help me to solve this...? I want to add support for the backspace key, delete key and copy and paste combination keys (CTR+C/CTR+V). I noticed most bots have no support for this and this makes them really painful to use. I guess it's a ubot fault but now you mention that plugin, I'm wondering, mostly because of the name, if it could help me to solve this issue..
  4. Another issue I run into: I have a projects dropdown and I need when someone pick an option on it it runs a ubot script to load that particular project options in other controls in that same panel/tab. I see options for the list variable and the list options variable in there but no option to launch a ubot script on the dropdown's onchange even.. How should I manage this?
  5. Hey Carl, sorry for the newbie question but: do you know a way of fixing the size of the bot windows so people can't resize it? Related to that, I got a scrolling bar to the right in the compiled bot. I guess it's because during the interface design I didn't count with the menu bar ubot adds to the very top of the bot, which is, btw, really bad looking and kind of interrupts the design I did using your tool. Any way of getting rid of that bar in the compiled bot? Thanks in advance for your help!
  6. Everything is working really smoothly now! Thanks for your quick support!
  7. Awesome Meter! I already sent you both the money and the PM ;-) Really glad to be onboard! (btw, it seems like I'm one more of those who after having paid for ubot 5 plus updates and licensing system have no real use for them.. )
  8. Yeah man, login is required but no option to register. I guess you register when purchase for the first time but as there are no fields available to fill in the name and email ordering is not possible at all. It's a pitty there is no a direct payment link available neither. You're losing sales my friend!
  9. That looks nice Dan. Unfortunately this is how it looks for me in all browsers: http://postimg.org/image/xyyu4ajbb/
  10. The thing is, there is any fields for you to enter your name and email in that page. But now you mention that, I'll try using another browser.. Update: Nope, definitively those name and email fields -which seem to be required to process the purchase- are not there no mater you use IE, Chrome or Firefox..
  11. Hey Meter, I'm ready to buy in. Just a quick question I couldn't get answered by reading a lot of this thread: how is your system different from the licensing system included with ubot 5? I paid for it along with the updates so want to be sure this one is more powerful (what probably is..) Thanks in advance for your help. I can see your support and product are both second to none. Leonard
  12. I tried to purchase but your site requires having an account in order to purchase and there is no way at sight to create one. It's strange you want to make it hard for people to purchase. Waiting for your instructions to make the purchase..
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