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Everything posted by nimbystripes

  1. I can't hardly wait.. I hope it will be sooner. http://imagicon.info/cat/5-34/biggrin.png
  2. I agree. Z-cron works great! http://imagicon.info/cat/5-34/biggrin.png
  3. Teamed with Bing? It looks like both are making their advances. http://imagicon.info/cat/5-34/biggrin.png
  4. It is also better if in case you accidentally click on the close button, your work will still be accessible via Icon Tray and there is an option to quit the whole activity. http://imagicon.info/cat/5-34/biggrin.png
  5. You have to be specific on the location where you want the file to be stored for it to work. http://imagicon.info/cat/5-34/biggrin.png
  6. It would also be best to create a page where all video tutorials are posted.
  7. What does it mean if it is threaded exactly? Sorry for such a dumb question..
  8. Nice. It is good to know that you have solved your problem. Congratz!
  9. This will definitely be great. I hope it will be added on the next update.
  10. This serves as a spam filter. Such a great forum feature.
  11. I want a job like this, but still need to learn a lot about SEO.
  12. Will private browsing works?
  13. I didn't know this is possible. Thanks. I have also tried it and it works.
  14. This is possible only for the common captcha questions. The harder the question and type of captcha, the more impossible it will be.
  15. What type of browser you used where you get this type of problem?
  16. The Use Full Editor option those the trick, but a bit confusing if you are in standard version. Though it actually helps.
  17. Nice sharing, TJ. This one is really helpful.
  18. Thanks a lot for sharing this one, John. This could help me one day.
  19. For me, I am doing it step by step. From standard version going to pro and then dev.
  20. Will this program works on MS Word or other text editor software?
  21. Great program. I really like to have my own icon..
  22. I am new here and just thinking what exactly is a private bot bank?
  23. I don't have any problems on my end either. Everything looks great here.
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