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Everything posted by merkaba

  1. Pretty much the same as a lot of people here. php along with php frameworks (laravel is pretty fun), shell, perl, batch, a little python, ruby, css, javascript/jquery probably some more I'm forgetting. Not all are really a 'programming language' imo (batch, css) and honestly I'm not an expert in any single one. I usually spend a week or two working on a project that involves working with one closely. With that said, each language has it's pros and cons. Stability wise, I've encountered issues in all of them (though usually not core, but modules/extensions). Ubot is fast, but has overhead a
  2. Yeah, anyone who knew what they were doing wouldn't be doing it for $6.25. Rev share, maybe if you could prove what kind of income you can generate from past sales.
  3. Unless you need a laptop, you can probably do better building a desktop. My suggestions are based on the premise of building a desktop, ignore if you're just looking to buy a laptop. Amd vs Intel Intel is honestly better performance wise. I love amd, but intel is better. With that said, whether you're looking at either intel or amd, sometimes you can get away with overclocking a lower model in the series to the same speeds without spending an extra $100. 16gb of ram is good, make sure its compatible with BOTH your board and cpu. Buy them as a set, ie 4x4gb or 2x8gb. Sometimes you run into
  4. Ubot doesn't automatically detect what type of proxy it is. socks4://IP:Port socks5://IP:Port The above is the format I believe.
  5. merkaba

    Proxy Problem

    correct format is IP:PORT, unless they're socks which have a specific suffix/prefix.
  6. Not seeing it too, don't know if its a bug or not. If you have the HTTP plugins, this was able to grab the contents. plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "Page Scraper", "http://www.104.com.tw/i/apis/jobsearch.cfm?pgsz=10&fmt=4&cols=J,JOB", "", #results) { }
  7. I've gone both ways with it. Sorting from sql is faster since it's optimized for it. That would be the best practice. Only reason not to is if you're spending too much time trying to write the query. Easier to revisit when everything is done.
  8. As far as I'm aware, all you have to do is get any copy of apache that has php. Find php.exe and save it somewhere. Delete everything else if you don't want it. Create an environmental variable. http://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-addedit-environment-variables-in-windows-7/ From there you can use shell commands. http://php.net/manual/en/install.windows.commandline.php Not exactly the cleanest way to do it, but if you want to experiment with integration that's where I'd start. *EDIT* Follow steps on that first link except set the file path to php.exe
  9. SELECT column_name,column_name FROM table_name; http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_select.asp I would just dump the results immediately to a table in ubot, and deal with sorting via ubot. You can try using wild cards if you really want to try and limit your results before they make it into ubot. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_wildcards.asp So something like SELECT * FROM 'your table' WHERE Email LIKE '%[!@gmail]%' WHERE Name LIKE '%[!johnny]%'; I *think* will select all rows where the email isn't a gmail account and the name is not johnny. I haven't written straight mysql for a while
  10. The reason it wont work that way, is because an If/elseif statement is really only meant to accept arguments. Use 'wait for element' instead and decompress the advanced tab on that node to set your timeout (30s) put your if statement below that.. For the actual argument (for the If statement) use 'exists' instead to evaluate if the page fully loaded. 'Exists' will satisfy the argument since it returns a boolean value (either true or false)
  11. Opening notepad/notepad++/sublime, writing out the logic ahead in plain english. It helps organize what needs to happen and also sets the main goal. From there see if there's any recyclable code you can use. Write some basic definitions, focus on the needed interactions between ubot and the site first. Once that's figured out you can move towards polishing it off and adding features that may/may not be necessary.
  12. Appears it might be a slider from a jquery library (jquery ui). I can't confirm this, it's just a guess on the naming they did in the class. Demo http://jqueryui.com/slider/ API documentation http://api.jqueryui.com/slider/ You should be able to pass a value that way using the run javascript command. Just check the page for a script reference to jquery ui to confirm.
  13. Make a disclaimer on the site you're selling through next time. If it was contracted work, use invoicing. As far as choices, not sure what you can do. Consider using https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/digital-goods instead to reduce problems.
  14. Only time I've seen it is while working on a bot, or being on HMA.
  15. If you're doing a lot of scraping, do yourself a favor and get Aymen's HTTP plugins. It's a lot faster, the only real bottle neck being internet speed.
  16. ui text box("List", #list) ui button("Add") { add list to list(%list, $list from text(#list, ","), "Delete", "Global") set(#list, "", "Global") } Here's a simple example. Add the string "apples,oranges,pears" to the text box, hit "add" and done. View > Debugger to see it populate the list. text_to_list.ubot
  17. Image recognition is probably not going to work. Is it flash? If not, check the page source and see if there's a way to tell that way.
  18. possibly, can't really give you any ideas unless we see an example
  19. If you mean 'Location of your file', it just means where ever your email/password file is (alternative, ui open file and set that variable in place of 'location of your file'). All this does is change it into a table and makes it where you can just enter your required actions per account (between last set command and increment row).
  20. create table from file("Location of your file", &emails) set(#row, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&emails)) { set(#email, $table cell(&emails, #row, 0), "Global") set(#password, $table cell(&emails, #row, 1), "Global") increment(#row) } Something along those lines
  21. Don't use the built in search at the top, you're better off navigating to pages like this https://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=[search term]&type=groups&init That ones for groups, there's also pages. add list to list(%pages, $scrape attribute(<href=w"/groups/*/">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global") Then something like this will scrape the group pages. In this example I'm using a wild card designated by the *. For pages use the search page : https://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=[search term]type=pages&init and this will reliably scrape the p
  22. Like chris pointed out, Tj has a great plugin and its at a great price. Otherwise the old reliable way is through the shell command + command line. Bliss has a topic on the subject if you look a little.
  23. There's a free plugin to simulate normal type speed. Check Tj's thread of available plugins.
  24. There's a few ways to do this Commands : Alert - pops up a msg box with whatever you want. It's a stand alone. Functions Prompt - pops up a message with a user filled text box. You can put it in a set command Confirm - Similar, instead of a text box its a yes/no (true/false) and can be put into a set command also
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