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Everything posted by webpro

  1. I was googling for this and this thread showed up ? So any news on this ? How do we proceed or where can i get more information about it ? Thanks
  2. What would you suggest me ? Ok here it is. My plan is to create a web site (let's say with optimizepress or whatever) and in there, all the bots i have and the futur ones that will be created. People would optin to use them for free but would need to pay a recurring membership for premium bots and/or to get the pro version of certain bots. They "opt-out" ? Well the free bots stop working. Of course if they stop paying it stops too. This way, you build a list and maintain it. Which would pay in the long run for the freebies you offer ? How's that sounds ? Cool huh ? How could i work this
  3. I can't as it's within a membership area Is this ok ? As it's not working run javascript("function submitform() \{ document.form[0].submit(); \}") I also tried this and it didn't work either: run javascript("document.getElementById(\'submit\').click()") What's even more weird is that on my last debugging test, the UB code worked fine ???? click(<name="submit">, "Left Click", "No") I think it's now having problems when running as compiled ? Well i think ? Unless i'm missing something. Thanks guys by the way and if anyone as an idea, please SHOOT (or if you are having the same
  4. Guys, i can't click anymore on a submit button ? It stopped working ? Also, there's a note saying: "Don't hit your enter button, click on SUBMIT or it will not work" <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="1"> 12 + 10 = <input size="2" type="text" name="answer"> <br><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </form> My math captcha solving is working right by the way. I just can't go further anymore. It just stopped working after months of working fine ? (tried with UB4 and UB5) Code i tried th
  5. Both of you guys are right ! I got the file management plugin so i will use this from now on and i did have an error in my code. I had 2 commenting which the old dumb a$$ musician of me, didn't see the difference at first LOL Good ol' engrish and me stie Thanks a lot guys ! Next song's on me hehehehe
  6. ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!????? Kev, this is the best late Xmas gift i received ! Guys, you can LIKE da post you know 2cents
  7. Thanks There's only one thing left, i don't see any name for a bot i created ? So i guess it must be in the way i saved it ? I went into the task manager, processes, right clicked and choose properties. File description and name are empty ? Original file name shows Bot.exe Don't know if this would help but i see the "image name" of my bot under the image tab in the task manager. in fact, it's the only i see it. So i'm kinda confused on which i should used ?
  8. Can we offer trials ? Or grace periods ? Also, is it working with Mailchimp ? Can we give out free license (manually or not) Finally, can it work with a single payment issued (one username/password associated to one guy) but the guy can access multiple bots ? That would be AWESOME ! Ex: Guy pays 50$ for a year access to all the bots you have to offer on your site, including futur ones for the time his license is valid (if we choose to offer this option that is) Or 99$ lifetime access, including all the futur bots we add in the "pool" etc... Thanks
  9. I see thanks. What shall i enter to make sure it works for as long as the bot is running ? Also, which one do you recommand using ? OS FREE MEMORY or OS FREE MEMORY SINGLE PROCESS By the way, if i work with SINGLE PROCESS, what should i write into the field name ? Would: "MyBot V1.2 -Ubot Studio Developper Edition" be good if i do see it in my task manager (the entire sentence that is ?) Please specify. thanks
  10. What should i use for the loop ? I tried $list total but it gives me the same IDS more than once even tho it's removed ? EDITED: Odd, seems like the wrong IDS are removed too ??? So what's suppose to be removed stays in the list and something else is removed for sure as the list gets smaller and smaller what the heck lol ! loop($list total(%commenting)) { set(#commentingid, $random list item(%commenting), "Global") type text(<id="{#commentingid}_comment_text">, #commenting, "Standard") wait($rand(3, 6)) change attribute(<name="q">, "value", #commentingid) remov
  11. I'm trying to remove from a list an id ex: 22221131 which is added into a command. But it's not working as it needs a position (under REMOVE FROM LIST) As the ID and the Position will never be same, what could be the code ? In other words, i want to pick up a random user/id to comment to and remove him from the list to make sure i don't double comment on it. While at it, we should have the option to remove from list when using $random list item clear list(%commenting) add list to list(%commenting, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<textarea class=\"item_input new_comment_input list_comme
  12. Ok you mean that every 60 seconds, it will free up the memory and this will go on for 5 minutes ? If so, what could be the settings so it runs for as long as the bot is running ? Thanks
  13. I'm trying to understand wait($multiply(60, 5)) mulitply means multiplication in english right ? (odd as it's the same word in french) Its the first time i see $multiply and it's in a WAIT command ! I see left side/right side ? Can you elaborate on this ? What's the multiplication doing there and what does the 2 numbers doing ? Also, i have tried this test for the free memory feature define free memory { set(#temp_mem, "yes", "Global") thread { loop while($comparison(#temp_mem, "=", "yes")) { plugin command("OSCommandsFunctions.dll", "os free memory")
  14. ah sh*t... My bad, i missed this one. Sorry Thanks
  15. I'm trying to use set(#temp_mem, "yes", "Global") thread { loop while($comparison(#temp_mem, "=", "yes")) { plugin command("OSCommandsFunctions.dll", "free memory") wait($multiply(60, 5)) } } comment("start your code below here") comment("your code above here this below stops the thread where memory is cleared") set(#temp_mem, "no", "Global") but i get: THERE IS AN ERROR IN YOUR CODE Seems like plugin command is triggering this ? By the way, i should put this at the very beginning of the bot (ex: When it logs in into something)? It should do the job for all threa
  16. I'm trying to figure out a way of doing this. Remove from a list an item which is never at the same position on each "scrape session" In fact, i don't want to click on my own link ex: %List could consist of: 0) http://www.icanclickthis.com/1/ 1) http://www.icanclickthis.com/2/ 2) http://www.mylinkdontclick.com/ 3) http://www.icanclickthis.com/3/ or 0) http://www.icanclickthis.com/1/ 1) http://www.icanclickthis.com/2/ 2) http://www.icanclickthis.com/3/ 3) http://www.mylinkdon'tclick.com/ So i figured i could use this: ui text box("Campaign to sitetoremove", #sitetoremove) I just pa
  17. Any ideas why this doesn't work ? What's my mistake ? ui block text("Commenting", #commenting) clear list(%commenting) add list to list(%commenting, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<textarea class=\"item_input new_comment_input list_comment_text\" name=\"comment_text\" id=\"*_comment_text\" placeholder=\"Leave a Comment..\" image_id=\"*\"></textarea>">, "image_id"), "Delete", "Global") set(#commentingid, $random list item(%commenting), "Global") type text($element from text("<textarea class=\"item_input new_comment_input list_comment_text\" name=\"comment_text\" id=\"{#com
  18. Guys, which mobile affiliate network is good to join these days ? Cpa, app install etc.. Thanks
  19. Just got this mate (wife's Paypal) Date of Purchase: 25 Nov 2013 Receipt: 6RB375****482173X
  20. Luis, are you talking about this ? SENDKEYS (sends keys to window by name) This should do the job right ? If so, then TJ's got another sale lol
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