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Everything posted by webpro

  1. Damn i'm still getting this. Don't know how to handle this.
  2. Thanks a lot yes yours works. To be honest, the other simple code works too but tends to pick up higher values more often. At least the few times i tested it. I did a test with value 1 to 10 and 5,6,7,8 were chosen very often Man, what would i do without you hahahahahaha Thanks I owe you several beers lol
  3. I'm trying to add random wait times from UI TEXT box but it doesn't work ui text box("Minimum wait", #waittime)ui text box("Maximum Wait", #waittime2)wait($rand(#waittime, #waittime2))This doesn't work. It always picks up the biggest number ex: Minimum entered 100, maximum entered 200, well 200 will be selected by the bot Now i would like the bot to pick up a random number from 100 to 200 for this case. I want it to work depending of what's entered into both fields Unless there's another way to do this ? Or is it a bug ? Thanks
  4. How about a jumbo loop (first thing as command) then everything else inside ?
  5. How can make sure the bot never stops ? I am not talking about bot crashes here. I mean, if it ever gets to "idle" or stops somewhere ? Ex: If idle more than X amount of time or if idle for X amount of time after doing something or trying to do something then do this or proceed further or move to the next command or repeat this command to try again or look for this then execute/proceed etc... How should i proceed to do this and where should i add this command (if it's possible)
  6. You just got a sale mate (got the pro version) Will play with this tomorrow (didn't even open it lol) I got my first "real worthy bots" made so.... we'll see how it goes !
  7. wOW THANKS A LOT GUYS !!!!! I wasn't expecting this much support Thumbs up ! Yes my goal is to make sure that if i'm not logged in anymore, that the bot does it jobs. Cause right now, it's at the bottom of the code and the last command is WAIT. So i was thinking like when i program MIDI music which is just tell the song to repeat from bar 1 to 8 at bar 20 As i'm trying the options in UB, i'm wondering, how do i tell the bot to go back to the login procedure and do everything all over again without having to add all the commands again after the last WAIT command ? Sorry for asking
  8. Any ideas why i'm getting INVALID PARAMETER ? WAIT FOR ELEMENT command with $exists parameter and element to find <outerhtml=w"<font color=\"#FFFFFF\" face=\"arial\" size=\"2\">* credits have been added to your account</font>"> Sorry i can't copy the code in here as i get invalid parameter if i finish the node to be able to swtich to code view. EDITED: Hummm this is odd ? Works using the selector only. Anyways sorted....
  9. Guys I need to learn or understand the logic for this. (thanks in advance) Ok i got a bot that does some "commenting" on site. Everything works fine (cleaning cookies/login in/scraping/commenting spun text the number of times i want etc..) The thing is, i want to know how i could do other things into the same bot ? Right now i have to launch a bot just to do winks, then one for commenting only etc...On after the other which of course, ain't really good LOL Must be in the way you setup loops within loops right ? Here's what i've done so far that works for commenting (using a UI TEXT BOX
  10. Is there a way to tell the bot that once it has done everything to wait for a couple of hours and start all over again from scratch/start ? I can do this when it's in a loop and it stays logged in. I just set a long wait time ex: 28880secs But what if i'm kicked out ? I need to login again etc... How can we do this ? Thanks
  11. Ok i'm trying elsewhere (another site). I'm having a hard time understand the scrapping thing. Here is the html maybe if i see it, i will be able to apply the technique on other sites even tho i know it's never the same <div class="member group white cf"> <div class="search_photo"> <a class="search_name" href="/profile/view/id/1581935/"><img src="/upload/images/accounts/profile/1581935/_medium.jpg?1345657382" width="100" height="100"></a> </div> <span class="search_date">Joined: May 22nd, 2011</span> <a class="search_name" h
  12. Just to let you know that it's working ! Thanks a lot !
  13. Ok i've started to play around the EMAIL COMMAND I'm trying to click on links from certain emails on a gmail account connect to mail server("IMAP With SSL", "whatever@gmail.com", "whatever", "imap.gmail.com", 993) { create table from emails(&emailsreceived) verify emails("[Verify your email] .*", "http://thesite.com/whatever.php.id=.*&userid=.*", "None") } Notice i have added a wildcard for the email title [Verify you email] is always in the messages by the way. Wildcard added also for the id= and the userid= in the url But i get: "Object reference not set to an ins
  14. A UI TEXT BOX that you enter the number of secs you want the bot to wait, before it starts the loop again Ok here's what the loop does and what i need. The loop does it's thing for the number of loops i have entered from a UI TEXT BOX #loopnumber but once it's done, i want it to wait for the number of secs i have entered from another UI TEXT BOX #waittime (let's say i want to the bot to stop for 8hrs so 28800 secs, or whatever in fact) Then start the loop again I'm trying to figure out the logic for doing this. Can we do this or i have to rethink everything ? Like set the loop to work e
  15. Thanks mate i'll try that as soon as i come back from the doctor (it's the yearly water pump check hahahahahahahahaha) I wasn't expecting a fast reply but i thought i would check in before i go so... THANKS A LOT !!!!!!
  16. ui text box("Start Page number", #startpage) set(#var, 1, "Global") increment(#var) navigate("http://www.website.com/videos.html?o=v&p={#var}", "Wait") } I'm having problems doing this simple thing guys. I want to enter the page number i want the bot to go to ex: 7 (so it goes to page 7) Then it scrapes everything and does what i want alright but once it's done, i want the bot to go to the next page so in this case it would be page 8 right ? Well it goes to page 2 all the time. How can i tell the bot to go to the next page but from the number i entered in the UI TEXT box. So if
  17. clear list(%urllist) add list to list(%urllist, $scrape attribute(<class="feedlink">, "id"), "Delete", "Global") loop($list total(%urllist)) { navigate($next list item(%urllist), "Wait") click(<outerhtml=w"<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return OnLikePost(*)\" class=\"feedlink\">Like it</a>">, "Left Click", "No") This doesn't work. What I'm trying to do is do some "LIKES" on a page. So i figured that i had to scrape all the "LIKES" ids ? This is what it looks like in the debugger (1): share_899539 (2): share_899538 (3): share_899537 So i the
  18. Yeah this is what i was trying to figure out Which command or parameter could help me out I think that you are right $contains could work unless there's something else. There's so many things in UB that i'm not using yet
  19. Wow man i just can't scrap the urls of each pic !!!! This an example of one pic on the page. I tried: $scarpe attribute <class="moreInfo"> with href or fullhref nada....in the debugger Tried also <div class="moreInfo"> href and fullhref <div class="0 365883588280309075_46516524" id="grid-cell" onmouseover="moreInfo(1,this)" onmouseout="moreInfo(0,this)"><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="showPhoto(13)"><img class="photo-grid" src="http://distilleryimage7.s3.thewebsite.com/1b9640f65b4611e29ad022000a1f9a79_6.jpg" width="200" height="200" border="0"></a&g
  20. Are you kdding me ? I actually added the download link ? Jesus Chr#$%$#$% hahahahahahahaha Sorry. I'm having a hard time (me and my head) lol I will check out the software tomorrow.
  21. How can we make sure that the bot visits a url only one time from scrapping ? I'm working on a site with users that you can contact. Right now, it scrapes the page and gets the 20 urls (20 profiles per page), it then navigates to each of them and do it's thing but how do i make sure it doesn't pick up the same url/user overtime ? Let's say i let the bot run for a few hours (it only solicitate people online at the moment) Once it has done the 20 profiles, it goes to the NEXT page and so on (well not true as i only have to go to the main page again to get a fresh list, tho i could use "NEXT pa
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