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Everything posted by nayr

  1. Nice to hear its working for you meter, I know that issue bugged me for some time too.
  2. Ah yes. Open internet explorer > internet options > advanced > scroll all the way down and find "warn about certificate address mismatch*" and uncheck that > scroll up a bit to "check for server certificate revocation" and uncheck that also. Hit apply and save or w.e and that should fix the issues. I also remember clicking "clear ssl state" on the content tab in the options. Definitely worked after doing both of those things.
  3. Theres actually a pretty easy fix that I figure out for this. Let me refresh my memory and I will post it here shortly.
  4. You just wrote out the whole bot, so what's the issue?? Private proxies have yet to be fixed and only work in sub windows. Load up a list of private proxies,loop X the number of proxies, clear all cookies by running the shell command "RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351". Nav to the site, vote on girl #63, grab the captcha. Easy nuff.
  5. None of that really makes any sense. Besides your missing the point entirely. The software is definitely buggy. I, like the op, have spent countless hours simply trying to find a way around an issue (not because I can't figure out why a certain site won't let me register etc.) , but simply because Ubot isn't functioning the way it should. I can't count the number of times Ubot has simply stopped working (won't run a simple nav command etc.) and I have to restart my entire computer for it to run again. Why does a send keys command send 17 of the same key? Why does a click command not a
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