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Kreatus (Ubot Ninja)

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Everything posted by Kreatus (Ubot Ninja)

  1. Thanks for updating! But there's a problem on csv to xml. I tried it like this set(#Debug,$plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$csv to xml", "title,desc,url test title,test desc,https://bitgur.com"),"Global") The result is just </root>
  2. Hi, Can you add a command to convert csv to xml and json format?
  3. You have the size option on compiled. Just play with it until you get the right height.
  4. Pash, please check this plugin. Whenever i use it the position is always 0,0 whereever i click the shift key of the software window i target. I want to click the extension icon on chrome browser.
  5. Just want to add for suggestions: - zoom/unzoom on the component view. Its hard to see especially when you have 2k/4k resolution - open multiple intances of ustrap or tab for each project. Useful if you are working on multiple projects - font size option for labels
  6. I see.. looks like there's no choice other than to automate the windows. Thanks
  7. But this wont work for example you have an amazon extension that shows more details of the result page. It will only show the details when you clicked on the extension.
  8. Hey Dan, Is there a way to call the extensions popup on exbrowser for either firefox or chrome?
  9. Hey Guys, Anyone knows how to confirm google captcha after getting solved by abbas captcha plugin on exbrowser? This page doesnt have a confirm or submit button. Here's the code below. <body class="modal-open" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div id="main-container" class="cx-responsive-container" aria-hidden="true"><div data-reactroot=""><div class="cx-message-wrapper hidden"><div class="container cx-message-error"><div class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle cx-message-title-icon"></div><span class="cx-message-title">Error</span><a href="javasc
  10. Yeah. Meter needs to update his system. Its been years since the last update.
  11. 1. What i am suggesting is to have an option for the users to for export that when they choose it and export the return will be just html with js and css included in one block code. No need to create a folder and save the js and css file. Right now there's a read file code on the uihtml code when you export it. Just an option for the users for that. 2. Please let me know how to do that exactly in the tabs section. i cant find it.. Like: Home Action |_action |_action2 |_action3 Tab3 |_child1 |_child2
  12. Great! Got a few other suggestions to make it better. - Option to export it in one html codes. The css and js will be included on the code so it will create a folder and a file on bot folder. - For tabs: Option to add dropdown menus that when clicked it will go to new tab page
  13. Suggestions: Option to execute a define when tab is clicked - undo/redo - vertical tabs - Import icon url on tabs and others - Buttons option to change the attributes of the button when clicked. For example you have Run,Pause,Stop button. When the user clicked the run button it will become disabled so it will not get automatically click run twice. (I think this is a little tricky) - save and load projects - option to encrypt the files generated so they cant steal your UI Bugs: - When i try to import this code below it doesnt show anything ui html panel("<!doctype html> <html>
  14. Really nice.. I watched the video. Is there an option that when the user click the delete button it will ask a popup first so they cant delete anything accidently. Also, Is there a way to add button options on each row like a button dropdown to "delete,run,save" something like that. Then when a selection is selected it will execute a define with the details of the current row.
  15. You need advanced ubot plugin from pash for that. Im not sure if there's a free one.
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