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Everything posted by VaultBoss

  1. I use to add various prefixes to my variables, to know where they come from or where are they used, initially... #var_WEB_ usually for scraped data #var_CYC_ for cycling/looping variables #var_RND_ for random generated data #var_LST_ for multiple data that can be split into lists #var_INP_ for variables sent as input into subroutines/functions #var_OUT_ for the returns results from same subroutines/variables and so forth.... I also tend to add suffixes that would make sense only in certain cases though, such as ..... _CRT for the current value of an incrementable variable in a loop, o
  2. I tried to install Toad on my PC, but, although my local MySQL server runs fine and I am able to access it both through wamp or Navicat, as well as from UBot, I still cannot open a connection from Toad. It keeps yelling at me: "Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts." Kinda makes me crazy... so I'm still looking for a good Visual MySQL Query Designer and DB Management tool (free, if possible, would be nice...) Navicat - especially the free version - is a good simple and easy to learn/use tool for building the database/tables, but as far as querying the tables, creating JOI
  3. Ha, Ha, HA.. seriously, why not?.. I would gladly accept, LOL Anyway, I'm glad you liked it and hope it helped you on developing your programming skills. Cheers!
  4. Or you could just EDIT the Query Node and then press the bottom-left button: Wizard ..and input the code there.
  5. Ubot Studio doesn't currently have the option to let you have dynamically named variables as per your wish (and mine too, tbh...)
  6. Yeah, I thought initially it was a small bug of sorts, BUT in fact, it is just the correct way to implement the append. It is the only way to keep the resulting files as they are supposed to be created by the OS in the first place.
  7. Here is a piece of code to test: set(#my_Data_to Save, "a,b,c", "Global") append to file("PATH to File Here", "{$new line}{#my_Data_to Save}", "End") set(#my_Data_to Save, "1,2,3", "Global") append to file("PATH to File Here", "{#my_Data_to Save}{$new line}", "Beginning") You will notice how the second set of data will be actually correctly placed at the beginning: 1,2,3 _ a,b,c The blank line is the result of appending to an empty file, but if you append to a non-empty file it would not be there. If you remove the $new line set(#my_Data_to Save, "a,b,c", "Global") append to f
  8. You need to add the $new line at the beginning of the variable/list you are trying to save (append) or else it will be just added as a continuation of the last line of that file. If you open the file you want to append to, you will see that all the lines have CRLF as the end, except the last one. You could force that last line to have a CRLF too, but that is not the default behaviour of the new files opened in Windows. Based on that idea, as the file to which you append doesn't end with a CRLF, you need to add it at the beginning of the content you save (append) so that before adding the d
  9. Or this: set(#word, "my very long word", "Global") clear list(%Letters) loop while($comparison($text length(#word), ">", 0)) { add item to list(%Letters, $substring(#word, 0, 1), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") set(#word, $substring(#word, 1, $subtract($text length(#word), 1)), "Global") }
  10. Nice work! Thanks for the video (good idea with the compile as is...) - I was actually using a 3rd party app to get the correct window name etc... but your trick is much much better... Kudos!
  11. When you add a new variable into your UBot code, it is set by default as "Global" which means it is available for all that code (main code, functions, custom commands, other tabs, etc...) This is expected and correct (being so by default). TIP for for STD license owners: In Node View, there is an Advanced dropdown to select the type of variable when you drag the SET command into your program. I have noticed, however... many code bits shared across the forum where people leave them be like that, even if there is actually no need to. Probably lazy, just like me, or don't know they can chan
  12. Yeah, best thing is to put your DEFINEs in separate TABs or at least, at the end of the code.
  13. Paste the code here and let's take a look, then...
  14. The DEFINE command will not execute if you don't CALL it... Basically it is just a subroutine, a piece of code that needs to be told to run in order to run. The fact that you have written it and it sits in your bot in between other commands, still doesn't count. It will be skipped at run time. The only way to make it work is to call it from the main program.
  15. Looks like an excellent tool, blumi40... Thanks a bunch! +1 (I knew people will jump in with tips and advice on such a thread)
  16. Well, as we now have access to MySQL since UBot v.4.2x... I guess you could just add the user/pass combo into a MySQL database: I just posted a brief tutorial on how to do that. http://www.ubotstudi...dio/#entry64573 The MySQL server will MAKE SURE you won't mess up things when trying to write data to the tables.
  17. Since the new UBot Studio v.4.2x we've finally got support to connect to external databases, using MySQL. I am no master of this myself, but I'm sure many people with more knowhow will chime in and add their contributions. I wanted to put up a bit of code as an example usage for people new to all this. Hope it helps. Pre-requisites: _________________________________________ You will need to have a MySQL server installed, either on your machine, or remotely (as in your website hosting account for instance - all cPanel powered hosting accounts have a MySQL Management tab there, you will
  18. Make each thread save to a file (or append to file if you like) where each thread gets a unique ID when launched, which you attach to the file name. That way, each thread gets a unique file name to save to. At the end of the loops, write some code to consolidate the files into a single one and delete the smaller ones. At least that's an easy way I could think of out the top of my head. I DO have bots using write/read to/from files though, just didn't have the need to do that on multithreading yet. However, that is how I would do it if I'd want to... HTH...
  19. I see the new features under the plugins tab - how do we use them, though? Anyone has these plugins yet? ________________________________ EDIT NVM, I just had to close and re-open UBot and they appeared. All cool now. Let's see HOW to use them though... Great job, anyway! Especially the database plugin. Now we can really start to build some advanced SW.
  20. Kudos, mate... ::evil grin:: Yeah... one more reason to dive in and work harder...
  21. No, you are right, you can't directly... All you can do is think outside the box: let the variable be a file that your bot reads when launched. Make sure to change the file accordingly, prior to launching the bot.
  22. Just hit the LIKE THIS button, mate .. add some love to the man's profile.
  23. Here is a simpler one, indeed - much better! clear list(%mylist_A) add list to list(%mylist_A, $list from text("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", ","), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%mylist_ add list to list(%mylist_B, $list from text("2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11", ","), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%mylist_C) add list to list(%mylist_C, $subtract lists(%mylist_A, %mylist_, "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%mylist_C, $subtract lists(%mylist_B, %mylist_A), "Delete", "Global")
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