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Everything posted by rocket976

  1. Yea its designed to only run the basic process of adding and removing by trend or div in a loop. Thing is with thousands of shareholders you can deplete your funds quickly which isn't something I want to take liberties with any ones account with. Thats also why I put the max invest option in , to help protect your funds when reinvesting or adding a top stock.. Arrivals and dumping are safe operations that will only make you money. Checking loop dump will make it so all you need to do is click arrivals. (see the quickstart in the manual for everyday operations) You dont need to log in, cli
  2. Well initial testing has shown that in a week to 10 days you will generate about 2.5 mil from adding arrivals/removing new users as stock rises and falls, this keeps building up. The bot takes care of this operation for you 24 hours a day. Further you can also reinvest and search out top stocks with a few clicks which would normally take you days if not hours. When ever you interact with anyone thats an opportunity for a shout out which is just a post to your stuff on their wall but they do convert to sales and this tool automates that too. It also gathers up additional facebook, gplus, linked
  3. lol, nice work doubled in just a few hours. Dont slip or Ill sell ya! (on auto pilot) its pretty addicting isnt it.
  4. Yea thats enough to get started, you'll be a fresh face for a week meaning people can only max invest 200 in you. You wont be able to create missions till you reach a 30 stock value so what you want to do is just invest in new people and sell em when they trend down - thats what the bot does. leaving you to do missions or do nothing, it will keep your account active until you get to around 40-50 then you need to do some reinvesting to get more people to invest in you. Rinse repeat. I already made a 50% return on you..see how your stock quickly went to 14,15 and so on.
  5. No you cant sell the eaves what you do is use them for social actions on your site, bookmark, like, plus, thumbs up videos and views, anything you can think of really. These are real people with real followings on all of the social networks, the right person sharing could easily lead to lots of sales & lead captures. Some create mission that are really cpa offers.
  6. Update time again. Updated to 2.75 Stability fixes, speed improvements further threading isolation and tweaks to ui and memory management module Also added a new user manual , lots of color graphics, arrows and numbered labels explaining every process in detail, every button, every setting and every option. (If I missed something please let me know) Hope you love it guys!
  7. Its next update time guys. Updated to the new log in + some tweaks, log in is now a little faster. Update to 2.74 Oct 19th Added memory management module , Ui tweaks (more to come) , Fixed log in issue, sped up log in a little.. Minor fixes to most modules and threading isolation
  8. Yea I really need to make a new video for it so many updates its pretty well completely different from the original now. I redid the social networks window from the tools menu. /Tools/Social Networks - Google Plus tab. http://www.business-lister.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/add-social-networking-accounts.png To set up the new component simply enter in your Gmail details and click save in same window (one time). Give it a moment to process then run the bot as usual and in about 20 min (after you gather some results for it to measure) click the new stats button and it will open in its
  9. Updated to 2.72 - Added complex stat monitor and some fixes - Download from members area http://www.business-lister.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/updated-ui-full-screen-empire-investor.png
  10. Make sure you set your MAX invest - see screenshot to a much higher level if investing in top stocks. Otherwise it will show "Skipping" as its over your max invest amount aka maximum share value of person you will invest in. http://screencast.com/t/fo8oPDPk3ZlD Also check over ride fresh face if you want to remove new people to the system (from more settings)
  11. Yea well a bit of both. I built in an Auto mode that allows you to gather up to stocks, divs and yield but as the load times are so bad on that site its not perfect. Therefor I put the GET IDS button in so you can just fine tune the results you want and how many then click it to gather then save them to a list to be loaded from more settings. When you save choose anynameyouwant.txt Harvested results will show in the stat monitor, it will also remove duplicates on its own. It also will append to an existing file if you want to just use the same one over and over it will reload it add it to
  12. 1. Download link is always the same link from the gold download page , same package name - next time Ill put the direct link in the email. 2. Support requests are done through the contact form on site or just email/skype me I tested the log ins and they were working fine not more than an hour ago but If you send me an email or skype we can take a look at it via team viewer if your up for it? Otherwise check for the pm I just sent ya.
  13. In tab 2 is the top stock harvester located here http://screencast.com/t/RWWazmFmGG Please note this module must be run before running the rest of the bot (if your running 24/7 then just open another instance to use the harvester) I found a bug in the top stocks module - it was not saving properly Empire Ave Investor Updated to 2.71 - just a minor fix to saving/appending to file in the harvester module.
  14. Looking forward to finishing up some of those projects that have been on hold! Thanks!
  15. Thanks Jane Updated to 2.7 now includes a new module to gather the top new arrival leaders Added new comment fields for a total of 3 , new arrivals, reinvestments and investing in top stocks. - Will intelligently choose the correct comment - so if your adding a top stock and the person has already invested in you it will switch to your re invest comment New Screens added to show updated UI
  16. Yea it very impressive to be honest just double click them - there gone from the ui.. you could try this (personally havnt tried it yet) there are options to add images like this in the software - http://www.base64-image.de/
  17. @kev123 just enter your site username and pass in the registration (in tools/settings window) and save Im in Canada if that helps.. just gadget_guru ...
  18. Optimal settings are to have everything running and checked and do the re invest module every so often. Because your funds are low you need to stop adding new arrivals because you cant afford it BUT you can certainly still social scrape and you NEED to keep down running so that you can sell the under performers and recoup some of your costs.. (so check fresh faces and loop dump in settings, and also check down on the main tab. ONLY use Share$ (which is changed to div on the latest update when you are looking to dump investments with a low div return) I prefer to just follow the trend.
  19. Well those are pretty low funds. I would just close it up for the day, do some missions then leave it running over night on DOWN only and when you wake up should have much more funds. It usually takes a few days before a new stock will start to downtrend. (Its when the stock is dumped you get the funds back + whatever difference right) Resume arrivals when your funds permit.
  20. Just leave it running all day but make sure you have down checked on the front page, and loop dump checked in the settings window - check over ride fresh face to dump fresh faces (new people) if their trend is down. Basicly you get them as they come in at a value of 10-12 which quickly raises to at least 20 even if they dont do anything, if it notices them at 20 something with a downward trend it will dump them - thereby doubling your money. Its been tested on brand new accounts with the paltry sum your given and that just enough however if you want to make a bit more cash (e) then you can do
  21. Finally pulled this out and built a UI with it and wow, less than five minutes later I was done and It looks better than dreamweaver. Awesome work, way to go!
  22. http://www.business-lister.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/teaser.png Next module teaser 3000 + of the highest payout divs in less than 3 min..
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